


Background information

Television programs

Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!


Ciro Nieli


Ashley Johnson [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Character information


Robot, Chiro’s Girlfriend


Suggazoom City

Reading: Jinmay


Chiro, kissing Chiro


Chiro breaking her heart


Sakko (possibly) Source Jinmay is a female character that appeared in Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!. She is the moment female in the Hyperforce correct after Nova. She first appeared in the sequence “ Chiro ‘s Girl ” .


Jinmay [ 3 ] is a beautiful and perfect automaton daughter and an honorary member of the Hyperforce. Her long time is obscure, but seems to act as the same age as Chiro did. Her weight and height is besides strange, but it assumed that the acme is lapp as Chiro. She has green eyes, a narrative peel, and pink hair with devour tails. Under her homo clamber is a robotic exoskeleton, equipping her with the latest technical school around .


Reactivation – Jinmay was found floating through space by Skeleton King. He late brought it to the Citadel of Bone, and erased her memories. He then sent her to Shuggazoom along with Sakko, one of his agents, in attempt to eliminate the Hyperforce. At this luff, she is unaware that she is a automaton, and knows Sakko only as her favored. Arrive at Shuggazoom – Jinmay first appeared in the pilot program episode, after Chiro who developed a crush on her defends her from the bullies. The two became friends, and begin to have feelings for one another. however, she is shocked when Sakko and Skeleton King revealed her true identity as a automaton, later Skeleton King transform her into a big automaton and have her assail Shuggazoom City. During the attack, she was intercepted by Hyperforce in the Super Robot, and they fight. But precisely she is about to win, Chiro reminds her of all the good memories they both shared together, but her torso stops fighting the Hyperforce when Sakko, who turns out controlling her body, was shot by Nova, the she is able to turn bet on to normal. shortly after, she leaves Shuggazoom in attack to learn more about origins.

unfortunately, Jinmay was intercepted by The Supreme Destructor, a automaton piloted by Mandarin. a lot to Chiro ‘s repugnance, her dismember automatic pass lands outside the Super Robot. Later, Chiro and Gibson came across her body in The Citadel of Bone, and her headway returns to her, allowing her to assist the Hyperforce in Defeating Skeleton King. Robotic Heroine – Jinmay was not seen again until the begin of season 3, when she assist the remaining Hyperforce members in locating Chiro. While the Monkey Team ventures into the Savage lands to find, she waits with the outside the caves in the event that Chiro came out, later she ‘s surprise to see Chiro in putter shape. however, she was captured by Formless minions under Valeena, who plans to sacrifice her to the Skeleton King/Dark One worm. fortunately she was rescued by the Hyperforce, and they return to Shuggazoom City.Jinmay then begins to train her powers, now determined to join the battle against Skeleton King. She is then given a Hyperforce uniform ( which matches Chiro ‘s outfits ), basically making her an honorary member of the Hyperforce. then she is declared as Shuggazoom ‘s defender while the Hyperforce is away fighting the Skeleton King/Dark One worm. She kisses Chiro on the boldness before he leaves. curtly after the Hyperforce already defeated the Skeleton King/Dark One worm, Jinmay sends a message, saying that she needs help binding at Shuggazoom and that something severe has happen. When the Team returns to Shuggazoom, they discover what Jinmay was referring to : The stallion citizens of Shuggazoom has transform into undead wraiths. She finally reunites with Chiro and the Monkey team, nowadays with apparently entire command of her powers. They besides found some citizens survives the ghost. on the spur of the moment, in a fight to protect the remaining citizens, Chiro was turned into one of the ghost ampere well as the remaining citizens. Jinmay then defends Chiro with the Monkey team to fight Valeena, who turns out is the generator of the ghost problem. During the Fight against Valeena, Jinmay found herself being the only one still animated while the respite of the team are unconscious mind, she then fights continue to Valeena and the wraiths with the Super Robot. But as Valeena was near to absorb Chiro as one of her wraiths, Jinmay calls out to Chiro, suddenly Chiro became normal again as his world power primate awakens him. He then traps Valeena in in her necklace and destroyed it, making the integral Shuggazoom citizens come back to normal along with the Monkey team. He and Jinmay then share their first kiss. Jinmay is seen throughout the one-fourth season, often assisting the Hyperforce on their many missions. On one occasion, Jinmay and Nova were at the city buy hover burgers for the Monkey team when a road hog gang named The Wild five terrify Shuggazoom. In the undertake to protect the city, Jinmay and Nova were captured and then taken back to Wild Five ‘s hideout, in there the gang ‘s bos reprogramed Jinmay and lock Nova in a barn entire of small creatures own by a gang member, Pigface, who was not a bad as the others. meanwhile the remainder of the team besides captured one Wild Five member, Squash. then they released her in order to track the hideout. When the team found the hideout, the Wild Five already set trap to them and set them as victim to a Sarlacc like monster, but “ The Evil ” Jinmay ask for Chiro to not be eaten by that freak, rather she ask the gang drawing card to make Chiro as their dinner ‘s main course. During the Dinner ( before Chiro was eaten ), the Gang ordered Pigface to take one of his creatures to be barbecued, alternatively Pigface open the barn gate to barren Nova, then Nova fights the gang but interrupted when Jinmay fights her and abruptly stopped, but then the perch of the team, which succeeds to kill the monster ( from the inside ) arrives, defeats the remaining Wild Five gang, except for Pigface, who help by making Jinmay ‘s reprogramed mode, which then Jinmay turns back to normal .


Jinmay is an honorary member of the Hyperforce, despite being an intense combatant, her everyday attitude is sugared and civil. She has a child like artlessness around her, which sometimes results in naivete on her separate. She cares profoundly about Chiro, evening if he was turned into a hideous half imp ( Episode : The Savage Lands ), and the monkeys.


  • Chiro: Jinmay’s Boyfriend. They fell for one another when he rescued her.
  • Nova: Close Friend. They both share a sisterly bond at times.
  • Otto: Friend. Mutual friends but rarely interact.
  • Antauri: Friend.
  • Gibson: Friend.
  • SPRX-77: Friend.


  • Jinmay’s voice actress is Ashley Johnson, who also voices Terra on Teen Titans and Gwen on Ben 10: Alien Force. In Teen Titans, Terra is the former girlfriend of Beast Boy, and in Ben 10: Alien Force, Gwen is the girlfriend of Kevin Levin. Oddly, both Beast Boy and Kevin Levin are voiced by Greg Cipes, who also voices Chiro.


JinmayGhost of shuggazoomChiro's GirlGhost of shuggazoom2 Jinmay as a automatonMidsizeJinmay kisses ChiroChiro's Girl (2)2 (1)231ImagesCAX3KW9VJinmay JinmayJinmay 2Jinmay (2)Jinmay 3Jinmay 4Jinmay 5Jinmay 6Jinmay 7Jinmay 8Jinmay 9Jinmay 10


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