Mike Tyson Punch Out Characters – NES

If you grew up in the recently eighties or early nineties playing video games then Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out on the Nintendo Entertainment System should bring back a long ton of memories. This bet on is now a cult authoritative and back in 1987 was the 1st of the Punch-Out series to appear on a console. I remember the first gear time I played as a child and was instantaneously hooked at the far-out cast of boxing characters your character Little Mac had to beat. Who could forget the beginning prison term you saw King Hippo appear and laugh your boldness off when you saw a punch sink his shorts for the first fourth dimension.

All the boxing characters that appear in the 1987 version of Punch-Out are bang-up and each brings a alone vogue and personality to the game. In full there are 23 matches featuring 14 fighters in Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out, this includes Little Mac the main boxer of the game that you control. You compete in 3 boxing circuits – The Minor Circuit, The Major Circuit and The World Circuit.
here is the list of all characters that appear in Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out on the Nintendo system .

Minor Circuit Characters

glass joe punchout nes

#1 – Glass Joe

Difficulty : easy
Record: 1-99
Speciality Move : Taunt Punch
Glass Joe is the first character Little Mac has to take on in Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out. He is not much rival and has the weakest chin in the game. You can use him as practice to perfect your dodge and punch counter attacks .
von kaiser punchout nes

#2 – Von Kaiser

Difficulty : easy
Record: 23-13
Speciality Move : right uppercut
The german combatant Von Kaiser is rival # 2 for Little Mac and like Glass Joe provides little resistance. The knock kneed Kaiser is a bite of challenge to new players who haven ’ triiodothyronine mastered dodging yet but becomes easy raven as you learn the crippled .
piston honda punchout

#3 – Piston Honda

Difficulty : easily
Record: 21-1
Speciality Move : Honda Rush Attack
little Mac ’ s first boastfully challenge comes in the 1st meeting with Piston Honda. His punches hit unvoiced specially if he catches you with one of his uppercuts. He has a peculiarity jab combination called the Honda Rush and if he catches you with those it can be game over .

Major Circuit Characters

don flamenco punchout nes

#4 – Don Flamenco

Difficulty : convention
Record: 22-3
Speciality Move : Flamenco Uppercut
The spanish ladies man Don Flamenco is inaugural up for Little Mac on the Major lap. He ’ s a far-out character that taunts you until you throw the first punch. He will then unleash a monster uppercut that can be well dodged with have. He ’ s the quickest guy you can KO if you can master the time .
king hippo punchout

#5 – King Hippo

Difficulty : normal
Record: 18-9
Speciality Move : Hippo Rush
One of my personal front-runner characters in the game and the funniest hands down. He ’ mho got a big mouth, bad gut and big shorts. The latter being the samara to victory. His outsize shorts will hit the land with the right punch and when he goes to pick them up small Mac can finish him off. adam marks the spot with King Hippo, true diehards will get the reference .
great tiger punch out

#6 – Great Tiger

Difficulty : normal
Record: 24-5
Speciality Move : Teleport Punch
The Great Tiger can be a sturdy challenge on the Major circuit and it takes some time to perfect beating him. He has a quick leftover counter dig that is hard to dodge and his teleport punch is a nightmare to contend with the 1st go about. Pay attention to his pillbox as it tips his punches .
bald bull punchout nes

#7 – Bald Bull

Difficulty : convention
Record: 34-4
Speciality Move : Bull accusation
One of the most intimidate characters in the game and as a novice he will give you fits. It took me constantly to last beat Bald Bull and trying to time his Bull Charge approach sent many controllers flying across the board. here ’ s a topple – Look to the crowd when he starts charging you, there is a tell of when to throw a punch.

World Circuit Characters

piston honda mike tysons punchout

#8 – Piston Honda

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 26-2
Speciality Move : Honda Rush, Wiggle Uppercut
Piston Honda returns on the Major Circuit for a replay with Little Mac. He has improved this prison term around with greater defensive abilities and is much more aggressive .
soda popinski punchout nes

#9 – Soda Popinski

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 33-2
Speciality Move : Juke Move Triple Jab
Soda Popinski, originally known as Vodka Drunkenski, is a batch of a character to defeat in the second match of the populace lap. He has a celebrated evil joke which he taunts his opponents with through the couple. He can be beaten fairly easily with immediate hedge and punch moves but if he catches you it ’ s a devastating blow to your health .
bald bull 2 mike tyson punchout

#10 – Bald Bull

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 34 – 5
Speciality Move : Bull charge
Another familiar opposition appears in contend # 10 for Little Mac, the baleful Bald Bull. He ’ s one of the toughest fighters to defeat in the NES translation of Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out. This adaptation of Bald Bull is one bad match and can drive you balmy. He can only get beaten by countering his Bull Charge or a timely uppercut .
don flamenco 2 punch out

#11 – Don Flamenco

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 22 – 4
Speciality Move : Counter Uppercut
Another replay is up adjacent against the dancing Spaniard Don Flamenco. He is quite annoying this time around as his is defense is much approved. He can often make you go 2 rounds in order to win but for the earth circuit he is not that much of a challenge .
mr sandman punch out

#12 – Mr. Sandman

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 27-2
Speciality Move : Dreamland Express
nowadays we get to the fabled characters of Tyson ’ s Punch-Out, the best of the best. First up is the Sandman who has one of the meanest mugs in the game. He ’ sulfur got an armory of punching weapons including rolling jab and highly immediate and powerful uppercuts called the Dreamland Express. Beating him your first copulate times through the game is a formidable job .
super macho man punchout nes

#13 – Super Macho Man

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 35-0
Speciality Move : Macho Spin Punch
down to the final two challenges in Mike Tyson ’ s Punch-Out. The first clock time facing Macho Man is a memorize experience that ’ south for sure. Although his moves mimic Soda Popinski he ’ randomness means hard to figure out. He has a lightning quick uppercut and a particular spin “ Macho Punch ” that will knock you into the future decade. Try not to be distracted by his dancing pec muscles .

mike tyson punchout

#14 – Mike Tyson

Difficulty : Hard
Record: 31-0
Speciality Move : Macho Spin Punch
If you have made it this far than congrats, you have run the gauntlet and get to face the most cutthroat boxer in the game. The caption Mike Tyson is the tough character to beat with TKO baron on every punch. The beginning prison term facing him is steel racking to say the least and you will likely need 2, 5, 10, 20+ attempts in decree to figure out how to beat him .

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