Gigabyte AORUS 17G (2021) Review


Trusted Reviews Recommended
The Gigabyte AORUS 17G is an excellent high-end gaming laptop, particularly if you ’ re into competitive multiplayer games thanks to the Nvidia 30-Series performance, mechanical keyboard and the blatant debauched 300Hz Full HD display .


  • Excellent gaming performance
  • Mechanical keyboard feelsfantastic
  • Big and beautiful 17-inch screen


  • Too large and heavy to be a true portable
  • Webcam is located under the screen
  • Software isn’t as customisable as Razer Synapse

Key Specifications

  • Review Price: £2199
  • 17.3-inch 1920 x 1080 IPS display
  • Refresh rate: 300Hz
  • Intel Core i7-10875H
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • Nvidia RTX 3070 MaxQ
  • 512GB SSD

This is presently in our Best Gaming laptop list .

The Gigabyte AORUS 17G is the first laptop I’ve reviewed that features Nvidia’s RTX 30-Series GPU. 

That means you ’ re getting a better bet on operation than any portable that came before it, with AAA games seeing a performance angstrom high as 80fps at a 1080p resolution. Nvidia claims that ’ s more GPU grunt than the PS5 is capable of .
But while the inclusion of an RTX 30-Series GPU is undoubtedly the headline feature here, it would be inequitable to call it the only exciting aspect of the AORUS 17G. Featuring a crisp mechanical keyboard and wickedly fast 300Hz review rate, this gaming laptop meets all of the requirements for eSports and high-end bet on .
The Gigabyte AORUS 17G is surely not bum, but if you ’ rhenium looking for a 17-inch portable for competitive 1080p gambling, this may well be the best gambling laptop option presently available .
Buy the Gigabyte 17G (2021) now from eBuyer for £ 2199

Price and availability

The Gigabyte AORUS 17G ( 2021 ) is available to buy from retailers such as Ebuyer .
The shape I have here is called the Aorus 17G XC and is priced at £2199. With this model you get an Intel Core i7 10875H central processing unit, Nvidia RTX 3070 MaxQ 8GB GPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM and 512GB of SSD storage .
An RTX 3080 configuration is besides available for £2699, which sees the storage boosted to 1TB .

Design and keyboard – Mechanical keys make a big difference

  • Too large for on-the-go gaming
  • Design is arguably bland
  • Mechanical keys are absolutely fantastic 

The AORUS 17G is a hefty portable machine. I can barely about lift it with one hand, but with a fortune of strain and concern that my wrist is about to snap in two. Its elephantine size besides means you ’ ll fight to fit it inside a cup of tea. This all means the Gigabyte is only worth considering if you ’ re felicitous to keep it at home for the majority of use as you won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate want to be carrying this around on the regular .
Despite its big skeletal system, the AORUS 17G doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate look bulky. Its tight-fitting bezel ensures most of the focus is on the display, creating the illusion it ’ sulfur even larger than 17-inches .
In fact, the bezel is indeed cheeseparing that Gigabyte has been forced to move the webcam to the chassis below the blind, resulting in an unflattering lean on Zoom calls that gives onlookers a adept see up my nostrils. The webcam ’ mho capture quality is fairly poor besides, but you at least get a privacy slider to block the webcam ’ mho camera when not in function .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
The stallion laptop is painted black for a discreet search. Gigabyte has even resisted the urge to slap ‘ edgy ’ designs on the eyelid, with only the glow-up Aorus logo drawing the center. You could argue that the AORUS 17G looks bland, but I ’ m enjoying the new tendency of subtle style over brassy designs. I ’ megabyte not a fan of the contort honeycomb sports fan design that wraps around the laptop, but at least it keeps the laptop cool .
While it ’ mho barely the most exciting expression of a gambling laptop, I have to give Gigabyte credit for the generous port put up, besides. You get USB-A, USB-C, a miniskirt DisplayPort, HDMI, Ethernet, headphone/microphone jack and even an SD Card slot. You can leave the dongle life behind by going for the Gigabyte AORUS 17G .
There are two down-firing speakers on the bottom of the laptop. I found the placement slightly annoying, as the audio is blasted onto your desk for a slenderly muffle impression, but the speakers were still capable of pumping out detailed and loudly sound recording .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
The mechanical keyboard is one of the best features onboard the Gigabyte AORUS 17G, making it stand out from a bang-up numeral of other gaming laptops such as the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 and Razer Blade 15 .
The OMRON switches emit an audible chink when I press down on a key, while providing a crunchy haptic feel ideal for games such as first-person shooters and MOBAs. The mechanical crunch didn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate just result in a more satisfy spirit, but I besides never had to worry whether a key had hit its propulsion point as I could feel the ‘ cluck ’ straight off .
There is a downside to having mechanical switches though, and that ’ s the noise they generate. In fact, the keys are sol forte I suggest you don ’ thymine use this laptop in an function environment, unless you ’ ra fine with your colleagues despising you .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
I had a few more extra gripes with the keyboard. first, there ’ s no on-board CAPs engage unaccented index, which makes entering passwords an absolute nightmare. And second, Gigabyte ’ s Aorus Control Center has some surprise limitations when it comes to RGB ignition .
You can create a red ripple RGB effect, or a blasphemous brandish pulsating under your fingertips, but there are only two presets that let you add more than two colours to the board simultaneously, putting the likes of the Razer Synapse a good few strides ahead. You can at least set Macro keys via the Control Center, but it ’ s a little confusing to set up compared to the Razer .
There ’ s not much to say about the trackpad. It ’ second responsive enough for daily tasks, albeit on the belittled side. But for bet on, you ’ re going to want to use a give gambling mouse. I do appreciate the inclusion of a fingerprint scanner though, making it substantially easier to log into Windows .

 Screen – 17-inch whopper is perfect for 1080p gaming

  • 17-inch screen is crisp, colourful and sharp
  • 300Hz refresh rate is perfect for eSports
  • No Quad HD or 4K options

The hulking boastful 17-inch blind is impossible to overlook, and it ’ s not alone big but besides looks absolutely gorgeous .
Loading up Apex Legends, I could immediately see the crisp and vibrant colours on display. It ’ s a shock the display is limited to 1080p, as it inactive looks sharp despite the big screen size stretching out those pixels .
Using a colorimeter, I found the Aorus 17G to have very impressive display metrics, including an an above-average brightness ( 338 nits ), respectable contrast ( 1251:1 ) and empyreal color coverage ( 98.8 % sRGB ) to ensure colours are presented vitamin a accurately as possible .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
What ’ s more, the 17-inch display boasts a dizzyingly gamey 300Hz review rate. I do think this is a tad excessive, as I was only able to hit an modal of 150fps for both Apex Legends and Dirt Rally, but you can have the peace of mind that the expose can always keep up with the pace of the GPU performance .
That higher refresh pace makes a big remainder besides. Swinging my gunman around to aim at a target is signally fluent in Apex Legends, making it easier for me to perform headshot kills in the estrus of struggle. My kill/death proportion improved perceptibly when playing at this high freshen rate, so there ’ s no deny there ’ s an advantage .
I have to say I ’ megabyte disappointed there ’ s no Quad HD or 4K model available, specially since the RTX 3070 is comfortably capable of hitting such resolutions. But it ’ s besides apprehensible that Gigabyte has chosen high human body rates over settlement since it ’ s hoping to appeal to the eSports crowd .

Performance – A new generation of GPU grunt 

  • Most powerful gaming laptop we’ve tested yet
  • RTX 3070 can run AAA games at 80fps+ in Full HD
  • Great thermals and rarely gets loud 

The Gigabyte AORUS 17G ( 2021 ) is one of the most exciting devices I ’ ve tested in a good while for one major rationality : it ’ sulfur one of the very first gaming laptops to feature an Nvidia 30-Series GPU .
Gigabyte sent me a inspection unit featuring an Nvidia RTX 3070 GPU, Intel Core i7-10870H and 32GB RAM. That may not be the most mighty configuration available ( with an RTX 3080 model besides astir for grab ) but it ’ randomness hush got more grunt than any laptop that came before it .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
I ran a act of benchmark tests to get a better theme of the laptop ’ s performance, boosting the CPU and GPU via the Aorus Control Center to unlock the laptop ’ s full electric potential .
The Geekbench 5 results ( which measures CPU operation ) were reasonably unspectacular compared to the high-end Legion 7 and Zephyrus Duo gaming laptops, but the Aorus decimated its rivals in the PCMark 10 benchmark, suggesting the laptop ’ mho very efficient at maintaining a high CPU performance over a long stretch of time .
The 3DMark Timespy result besides demonstrates the integrated RTX 3070 is evening more herculean than the RTX 2080 Super that powers the Legion 7 and Zephrus Duo .

Gigabyte Aorus 17G ( RTX 3070 ) Lenovo Legion 7
( RTX 2080 Super )
Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo
( RTX 2080 Super )
Geekbench 5 ( one kernel ) 1227 1298 1267
Geekbench 5 ( multi effect ) 7532 7719 8081
PCMark 10 6255 5308 5153
3DMark Timespy 9279 8179 9034

I besides used in-game benchmark tests to make sure this performance translated over to modern AAA video games. The AORUS 17G achieved an average performance beyond 80fps for both
Horizon Zero Dawn and Borderlands 3 when set to a 1080p resolution and ‘ extremist ’ graphics settings. That ’ s a better score than any early gambling laptop we ’ ve previously tested .
competitive players besides have batch of reasons to get agitate, with the AORUS 17G hitting an estimate average of 150fps in Apex Legends and Dirt Rally. That ’ s not quite taking the wax advantage of the 300Hz refresh rate, but it ’ mho still supremely quick .
It ’ second besides worth remembering the RTX 3080 GPU supports high-end features such as ray decipher and DLSS. The former allows compatible games to display promote ignite and shadow effects, while DLSS can boost the frame rate of supported games .

Gigabyte Aorus 17G ( RTX 3070 )
Horizon Zero Dawn ( 1080p ) 82fps
Borderlands 3 ( 1080p ) 84fps
Dirt Rally ( 1080p ) 150fps
Apex Legends ( 1080p ) 150fps

How loud was the Aorus 17G ? When ‘ Boost mood ’ was activated, it became a little noisy with the fans humming in the background, but it was hush importantly quieter than previous gaming laptops I ’ ve tested .
I personally preferred sticking to the default operation settings, as the laptop ’ second fans remained silent and there wasn ’ thymine a noticeable difference to the in-game frame rate performance. I never noticed the laptop to heat up to uncomfortable temperatures either, with the fans doing a antic job at keeping this portable cool .
The only negative thing I can say about the Aorus 17G ’ south performance is that the read and write speeds of the hard drive were underwhelming at 1739MB/s and 1360MB/s respectively. For comparison, the Legion 7 saw speeds of 3236MB/s and 2236MB/s in the same test, meaning it ’ s better equipped to reduce load and install times .

Battery – Surprisingly good for a 17-inch gaming laptop

  • Can last 5 hours performing day-to-day tasks
  • Capable of just 1 hour and 30 minutes when running games

I ’ ll be honest, I didn ’ t have high hopes for the Gigabyte Aorus 17G ( 2021 ) in our battery quiz, as 17-inch gambling laptops have previously been woebegone here .
however, after reducing the brightness to 150 nits and activating PCMark 10 ’ s office model battery screen, I was astonished to see the laptop final 5 hours before requiring a recharge. That ’ s however not commodity enough to stopping point a full work day, mind .
Gigabyte Aorus 17G 2021
Of course, this pretense alone tests the barrage at basic daily tasks such as browsing the vane, writing up emails and doing the odd television shout. I besides tested the laptop ’ s barrage when running video recording games, which saw its stamen fall to 1 hour and 30 minutes .
The operation of the laptop besides dropped significantly unplug. Apex Legends saw a dramatic frame of reference flatten from 150fps to 30fps. This all means that you should only in truth game with the Aorus 17G when plugged into the mains .

You should buy the Gigabyte Aorus 17G (2021) if…

  • You want a really powerful gaming laptop 

The inclusion of the RTX 3070 ensures this is one of the most potent gambling laptops on the grocery store, packing high-end features such as ray tracing and DLSS.

  • You fancy a mechanical keyboard

One of the 17G ’ south greatest strengths is the mechanical keyboard, elevating the feel of the keys to a similar criterion of a high-end desktop gaming keyboard.

  • You want a large screen and high refresh rate 

The 17-inch display affords more shield outer space than most gambling laptops, while the 300Hz review rate is among the best in the market.

You shouldn’t buy the Gigabyte Aorus 17G (2021) if…

  • You want a portable gaming laptop

The Aorus 17G is a goodly laptop, to such an extent that you won ’ triiodothyronine want to put in your bulge for the day by day permute. This is best think of as a background surrogate rather than a portable laptop.

  • You care more about resolution than frame rates

The Aorus 17G was clearly designed for competitive gamers who prioritise high gear frame rates above all else. If you care more about ocular timbre, then I suggest you look for a gambling laptop ( like the new Razer Blade ) that offers Quad HD or 4K models.

  • You need a laptop for video calls

While the Aorus 1G features a webcam, it ’ south located underneath the screen and so offers an up-shot of your nostrils. If you frequently do video calls, I suggest you look elsewhere or buy a dedicate web camera .



Model Variants


Screen Technology

Touch Screen







Display Technology

Refresh Rate


Model Number

Operating System


Size (Dimensions)

Screen Size

Storage Capacity

Front Camera

Battery Hours





Gigabyte AORUS 17G ( 2021 )
99 Whr
information science
Ethernet, Intel AX2000 Wireless and Bluetooth 5.0
Nvidia RTX 3070
Black / Grey
3x USB-A, Thunderbolt 3, HDMI 2.1, mini DP 1.4, earphone mariner, SD Card reader
liquid crystal display
300 Hz
1920 x 1080
AORUS 17G ninety
Windows 10
2.7 KG
26 405 276 MM x x
17.3 Inches
HD Camera
5 0
$ 2099
AU $ 3599

Intel Core i7-10870H

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