Here’s how you take a screenshot on your Samsung Galaxy phone

Már tries to juggle his column duties with writing the episodic eldritch article. He besides loves talking about himself in the third person. Már tries to juggle his editorial duties with writing the periodic eldritch article. He besides loves talking about himself in the third gear person. Welcome to Plugged Basics, a collection of tips, tricks, guides, and advice on how to get the most out of your gadgets, apps, and other stuff. At least once a month, I google how to take a screenshot on my Samsung Galaxy telephone, which is specially obstruct considering that I ’ m a technical school reporter. But many of the guides I find have absurd suggestions on how to take screenshots, which is decidedly the argue why I keep forgetting.
In reality there ’ s alone one becoming method acting. That ’ sulfur why I ’ ve made this humble usher, to help me remember, something that ’ ll hopefully be handy for you besides. Below you can find how to take a screenshot ( the right way ) and how to do a scroll capture, i.e. a scrolling screenshot. I ’ ll besides include two other ways of taking screenshots, but please don ’ thyroxine use those.

The cerebral : Hold down the ‘ volume down push button ’ + ‘ power button ’

Newer model (left) lower volume button + power button, older model (right) home button + power button It ’ s highly slowly, you plainly hold down the volume down button and power button at the like time. The bulk down button is on the upper berth left side and the exponent release on the amphetamine correct. The volume down release + power clitoris jazz band is for taking screenshots on newer versions, like the Galaxy S9, while it ’ s slightly different for older models On older models — like my trust ol ’ Galaxy S6 — there ’ s a beautiful forcible home button at the bottom of the screen ( RIP ). To take a screenshot you only need to hold down the home button and the power button on the amphetamine right side .

behold ! The amazing ‘ scroll capture ’

Every time you take a screenshot on your Samsung Galaxy a scroll capture choice pops up in the buttocks left corner .Screenshotception This will, for exercise, allow you to screenshot entire articles ( don ’ metric ton do that to our articles, fair send a link ) or a sweet series of memes. And that ’ s all you need to know ! But if you ’ re curious to know the dark english of taking screenshots, read on…

The heretic : iniquitous ‘ palm swipe feature ’

My colleague swears by the hand-swiping proficiency, but that credibly because he ’ south either a sociopath or a lizard person ( they are out there ). Allegedly, you can take a screenshot by swiping your hand awkwardly across the blind of your phone. I can never get it to work properly and it ’ s so much more hassle than just pressing down two buttons, so I don ’ thyroxine know why this is even an option. My sweaty awkward hands can ’ t cope it as it requires focus, good hand-eye coordination, and enough room around you to swipe your mighty arm second and away. It ’ randomness pathetic. If you do want to drill the iniquity arts, make certain palm swipe feature is enabled .

  • Go to Settings, then Advanced features
  • There you’ll find Palm swipe tocapture, turn it on
  • Find something cool to screenshot
  • Try the impossible motion and place the side of the palm of your hand on the edge of the screen and swipe it across

unfortunately, there ’ s one more means to take a screenshot on your Samsung Galaxy .

Ask Bixby nicely to take a screenshot

Credit: AfflictorBixby, artist rendition I ’ ll accommodate that Bixby Voice can be utilitarian for taking a screenshot, but it ’ mho hush a ‘ no ’ from me. I ’ m still fabulously uncomfortable speaking out brassy to my call ( I ’ m a neandertal man, I know ) but I do think majority of company is with me on this, at least in a public setting.

It ’ second dreadfully pretentious seeing some self-defined ‘ techie ’ consumption a voice adjunct around other people. Your earphone use is your business, don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate shout about it my vicinity. If you ’ re alone, or unable to hold the earphone for the button combination, you can ask Bixby nicely to take a screenshot for you .

  • Find something cool to screenshot
  • Hold down the Bixby key (below the volume buttons), or if you were smart and configured it beforehand, simply say: “Hey Bixby.”
  • Once you’ve activated the voice interface, say “take a screenshot.”
  • And that’s it!

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