Nooie Cam 360 Not Connecting to Wi-Fi? (How to Troubleshoot) – Smart TechVille

While it ’ sulfur not normally difficult to set up the Nooie Cam 360 with the app, you may sometimes get stuck at connecting the television camera to your home Wi-Fi. Sounds like you ? then keep read. In the take after paragraph, I ’ ll walk you through the steps to resolve Wi-Fi connection issues with your Nooie Cam 360. Let ’ s begin !Nooie Cam 360 Not Connecting to Wi-Fi so here are some troubleshooting steps to try if your Nooie Cam 360 won ’ thyroxine connect to your family Wi-Fi :

1. Check the Power Source

Issues with Wi-Fi connection may occur if your device is not turned on. so if you ’ re having this issue with your Nooie Cam 360, the inaugural tone to resolving it is to check that your camera has received might. Check the mercantile establishment where you plugged it in and ensure that it ’ s turned on. More sol, your television camera needs to be in pairing modality to connect to your home Wi-Fi. The LED index flashes red if the device is in pairing modality. If not, it means your device is not in pairing and won ’ thyroxine get in touch to Wi-Fi. If this is the shell with your device, unplug it from the might source and spark plug it back in. If the LED indicator doesn ’ thyroxine blink, locate the readjust button ( beside the USB port ), then use a paper clip or a alike object to push and hold the button for 5 seconds. This will reset your television camera and possibly get it working correctly. now, the LED indicator should be blinking red, indeed return to the app and try to connect to your family Wi-Fi again. If the issue persists, continue to the future step .

2. Check Your Network’s Bandwidth

Another reason you may have problems connecting your Nooie Cam 360 to your home Wi-Fi is if your router is set to the 5GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth. What this means is, the Nooie Cam 360 doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate support the 5GHz Wi-Fi isthmus, but 2.4GHz. indeed if you have a dual-band router, you want to check your current Wi-Fi band and ensure it ’ sulfur set to the 2.4GHz band. If you ’ rhenium not surely how to do this, refer to your router ’ s drug user manual of arms for instructions on how to switch network bandwidth. besides, low Wi-Fi signal intensity can cause association issues. If your router is positioned besides army for the liberation of rwanda from your device, try to bring it closer to your device to improve bespeak persuasiveness. You may besides try taking your television camera to where your router is, then return it to its stead after the setup. If you ’ re still unable to connect, continue to the future footstep .

3. Check Your Wi-Fi Name and Password

For some reason, the Nooie Cam 360 may not connect to a Wi-Fi network that has non-English characters/symbols in its name and password. If your router name and password include some extra characters, change it and then try to connect again. If needed, reset your router and set a modern name and password. More thus, ensure you enter your discipline Wi-Fi password, as this could besides lead to connection failure.

If this doesn ’ triiodothyronine aid, continue to the following footfall .

4. Check the Connection Limit of Your Router

If your router has respective devices connected simultaneously, adding a new device might be difficult. Of course, most routers have a limit to how many devices you can connect at the same time. so check to see if you ’ ve reached the maximal count of coincident connections. If indeed, disconnect some devices, then try to connect your Nooie Camera again. Did it work ? great ! But if not, see the adjacent step .

5. Ensure You’re Using the Right App

Although the Cam 360 has a distinguish app from other Nooie devices, Nooie has recently merged the Cam 360 app with the Nooie Home app. And Nooie has said the Cam 360 app will be removed soon. With that in mind, it ’ s safe to assume that Nooie won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate update the Cam 360 app anymore, and this might well cause some malfunctions. so if you ’ re using the Nooie Cam 360 app, uninstall it and download the Nooie Home app. Go to Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download the Nooie Home app—depending on the device you ’ rhenium using. Simply type in “ Nooie ” to find the app. More so, if you have any anti-malware software on your mobile device, try disabling it temporarily. You can reactivate it after the setup. future, try to set up your device again and connect to your home Wi-Fi network. Did it work ? Awesome ! The Nooie Cam 360 besides works with Alexa and Google Home, so you can follow the instructions in Alexa or Google Home to set it up for hands-free restraint .

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there may be several reasons behind the Wi-Fi connection issues, so be certain to try all the troubleshooting steps. For the most part, restoring factory settings on your Nooie Cam 360 before setting it helps to clear off any unobserved tease that might obstruct the Wi-Fi connection action.

To reset your Nooie Cam 360, push and hold the reset button (located beside the USB port) for about 5 seconds. If you hear a single beep, it means the device is reset. If you ’ re hush having connection issues after trying all the troubleshooting steps, contact Nooie Customer Support for help oneself. You may besides like to see how to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connection issues with Nooie Smart Plug and Wanvsview Security Camera .

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