nVidia GeForce 8800 GT Review



Key Specifications

  • Review Price: £175.00

The arrival of the nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX was close to a massive consequence in the history of 3D graphics. It was the first poster to support DirectX 10 and its associated mix shader model, it greatly improved effigy quality compared to nVidia ’ s former generation of cards ( finally catching up with ATI in this respect ), and it blew every other card on the planet out the water in terms of performance. unfortunately all this office besides demanded an enormous price tag and, considering expected competition from ATI and the at hand unblock of cheaper mid-range cards based on the like engineering, the GTX was deemed a calling card for the bleed boundary enthusiast only .

To remedy this nVidia launched the 8800 GTS 640MB the following month and the 8800 GTS 320MB a couple of months subsequently still. They both offered close to the amazing performance of the GTX but at a much more reasonable price. however, at around £250-£300, they were hush a bit besides expensive for the crippled on a budget – these were lower high-end cards, not true mid-range parts. Of path, had we the benefit of hindsight we would have insisted that a GTS was deserving saving every penny for because what followed throughout the rest of 2007 was one disappointment after another.

First came nVidia’s supposed mid-range parts, the 8600 GTS and 8600 GT, which were massively cut down versions of the 8800 series. They were smaller and quieter than the 8800 series, and had great new HD video processing capabilities but their gaming performance was way below expectations and try as we might, we just couldn’t see fit to ever recommend them, even though they were quite cheap. We then had ATI’s Radeon HD 2900 XT, which was level with the 8800 GTS 640MB in terms of performance but consumed a huge amount of power when under load and was still too expensive to call mid-range. Finally we had ATI’s attempt at true mid-range DX10 cards, in the shape of the HD 2600 XT and HD 2600 Pro, which were even better in terms of multimedia capabilities than nVidia’s 8600 series, but again lacked the horsepower to make for a worthwhile upgrade for any gamer with a previous generation card like the X1950 Pro or 7900 GS.
beginning came nVidia ’ s supposed mid-range parts, the 8600 GTS and 8600 GT, which were massively cut down versions of the 8800 series. They were smaller and quieter than the 8800 series, and had great new HD video work capabilities but their gambling performance was manner below expectations and try as we might, we fair couldn ’ t see fit to always recommend them, even though they were quite bum. We then had ATI ’ s Radeon HD 2900 XT, which was flush with the 8800 GTS 640MB in terms of performance but consumed a huge total of office when under load and was however besides expensive to call mid-range. ultimately we had ATI ’ s attempt at truthful mid-range DX10 cards, in the supreme headquarters allied powers europe of the HD 2600 XT and HD 2600 Pro, which were even better in terms of multimedia capabilities than nVidia ’ mho 8600 series, but again lacked the horsepower to make for a worthwhile upgrade for any game with a previous generation wag like the X1950 Pro or 7900 GS.
All of which brings us to now, a full year after the 8800 GTX first gear arrived, and the launch of the 8800 GT, the beginning true “ refresh ” of any of the DirectX 10 adequate to graphics batting order. It has been a hanker prison term in the make but with specification that rival the 8800 GTS and high gear street prices hovering around the £175-£200 mark, this could ultimately be the mid-range card we ’ ve all been waiting for. But before I evangelise the circuit board besides much, I should probably explain a bit more about what makes it so particular .
As technology marches on and the transistor count of CPUs and GPUs alike continues to rise, there is a natural push for ever smaller transistors. The reduction in size brings with it less power consumption, which in turn means the chips don ’ metric ton run as hot, and, because they produce smaller chips, more of them can fit onto each silicon wafer, reducing the relative fabricate price of each chip and theoretically giving us lower high street prices for our hardware. however, changing fabrication processes can be a high risk business, which is why convention has it that manufacturers will release post new architectures on existing tried and tested processes, as was the case with the 8800 GTX and HD 2900 XT. As the architecture then matures, with the initiation of lower powered mid-range parts and late review parts, the newer manufacture process can be introduced .

It ’ s this path that the 8800 credit line has followed with the G80 congress of racial equality at the heart of the 8800 GTX and GTS being made using a 90nm procedure and the 8800 GT being powered by the G92 core that ’ south made using the newer 65nm process. now the change may not seem like much but it actually equates to a 34 per penny reduction in size for any given chip design, or conversely a 34 per cent increase in space to manufacturer more chips on each wafer. The consequence of which is smaller, cheaper, less power hungry chips, and that can only be a dependable thing. however, the G92 international relations and security network ’ metric ton barely a die psychiatrist, there ’ s a little more to it than that.

For a start, the video processing engine, dubbed VP2, that was featured on the 8600 range, has now found its way into the 8800 GT. So you can enjoy high-definition video without your system grinding to a halt. The final display engine that was controlled by a separate chip on the 8800 GTX is also now incorporated into G92. The result is a chip that actually has 73M more transistors than the 8800 GTX (754M vs. 681M) yet still has fewer stream processors, texture processing power, and ROPs than its more powerful brother.
For a begin, the video work locomotive, dubbed VP2, that was featured on the 8600 image, has now found its room into the 8800 GT. So you can enjoy high-definition video without your system grinding to a crippled. The final display locomotive that was controlled by a classify chip on the 8800 GTX is besides now incorporated into G92. The result is a chip that actually has 73M more transistors than the 8800 GTX ( 754M vs. 681M ) even hush has fewer stream processors, texture processing exponent, and ROPs than its more knock-down brother.
A new version of nVidia ’ mho foil multisampling anti-aliasing algorithm has besides been added to the 8800 GT ’ s armory, which should greatly improve picture quality using this mode, while besides maintaining great performance. aside from this, though, there is fiddling in the way of fresh graphics features with the raw processor.

nVidia has evidently thought long and hard about exactly what areas of the previous 8800 cards were being under utilised and could be scaled back, along with which were more important to maintain. The result is a GPU design that sits somewhere between the 8800 GTX and 8800 GTS in terms of performance but with the features of the 8600 GTS thrown in. To all intents and purposes, this makes the 8800 GTS completely redundant, and the Radeon HD 2900 XT isn’t in that great a position either (we’ll just have to wait and see whether ATI’s upcoming 3850 and 2870 can change that situation though). Moreover, the 8800 GTX and Ultra should still offer more performance but have fewer features, cost significantly more and are more power hungry. The 8800 GT really is building a strong case for itself.
nVidia has obviously thought hanker and arduous about precisely what areas of the previous 8800 cards were being under use and could be scaled back, along with which were more important to maintain. The solution is a GPU design that sits somewhere between the 8800 GTX and 8800 GTS in terms of operation but with the features of the 8600 GTS thrown in. To all intents and purposes, this makes the 8800 GTS wholly pleonastic, and the Radeon HD 2900 XT international relations and security network ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate in that capital a position either ( we ’ ll precisely have to wait and see whether ATI ’ s approaching 3850 and 2870 can change that situation though ). furthermore, the 8800 GTX and Ultra should hush offer more performance but have fewer features, cost significantly more and are more office hungry. The 8800 GT in truth is building a impregnable shell for itself. If it weren ’ t something even my colleagues would frown upon, I ’ five hundred be inclined to say that the 8800 GT is a sexy wag. The newfangled cooler invention is good very pleasing on the center and, much as with the inner refinements of the G92, it precisely emanates the spirit of a mature design. It surely looked the separate on our nVidia branded screen bed, anyhow.

More important than the aesthetic aspects of the design, though, is the simple fact that nVidia has managed to squeeze all this power into a single slot card, which is not only a welcome change but really quite surprising. In fact, I dare say that having learned something of the specs of the 8800 GT, most people would’ve bet significant money on it requiring a dual slot cooler.
More authoritative than the aesthetic aspects of the blueprint, though, is the childlike fact that nVidia has managed to squeeze all this power into a single slot batting order, which is not only a welcome change but very quite surprise. In fact, I dare say that having learned something of the specification of the 8800 GT, most people would ’ ve bet significant money on it requiring a dual time slot cool.
The reason why nVidia can get away with using such a slender design is the change in fabrication process, which reduces the thermal envelope of the card to a level that a single slot cool can cope with. In fact, it ’ s indeed thermally accomplished that the relatively little fan doesn ’ t even need to spin very fast to keep things cool, resulting in a card that remains near silent even during acute gambling. It does get quite hot to the touch and will require a decent measure of airflow within a character to prevent overheat, but in our open air out test bed it didn ’ t become hot enough to require the fan to spin excessively .

besides as a solution of the smaller fabrication process, the 8800 GT consumes only 105W, even under full load. consequently, lone a single six-pin might connection is required to get the beast going at full pour. This is another dainty change and it ’ s a development we hope will turn into a drift not just a one off.

Output options are pretty standard fair with two dual-link HDCP enabled DVI-I sockets allowing for both analogue and digital connections to PC monitors and HDTVs, while a seven-pin analogue video port provides the usual composite and component options. The DVI connections can be used in conjunction with DVI-to-VGA and DVI-to-HDMI dongles so every connection option (bar the upcoming DisplayPort) is supported. However, nVidia is still choosing to make audio pass-through (for use with HDMI connections) an option for 3rd party vendors to implement rather than make it a requisite like ATI has. That’s a shame, considering this slim, cool, and quiet card could be perfect for a gaming biased HTPC.
output options are pretty standard fair with two dual-link HDCP enabled DVI-I sockets allowing for both analogue and digital connections to PC monitors and HDTVs, while a seven-pin analogue television port provides the usual composite and component options. The DVI connections can be used in concurrence with DVI-to-VGA and DVI-to-HDMI dongles sol every connection option ( bar the approaching DisplayPort ) is supported. however, nVidia is calm choosing to make audio pass-through ( for consumption with HDMI connections ) an option for 3rd party vendors to implement preferably than make it a necessity like ATI has. That ’ s a shame, considering this reduce, cool, and hushed wag could be perfect for a bet on biased HTPC.
The 8800 GT is actually the first graphics card ever to be PCI Express 2.0 compliant, which means it can communicate with memory at a rate of 16GB/sec – twice the previous standard. Though this may be of use to workstation applications and GPGPU computing situations it is largely going to go unnoticed to the average crippled, though this may change in the future. Either direction, the standard is completely forwards and backwards compatible with all the former versions of PCI Express so it isn ’ t something to worry about.

All the usual board partners will have stock available over the coming weeks. Most seem to be offering standard clocked and overclocked versions and there are also some bundled game offers around to sweeten the deal. We’ll be sure to get some of these cards in for testing over the coming weeks. For now, though, let’s take a look at how the reference board performs.
All the common dining table partners will have stock available over the hail weeks. Most seem to be offering standard clocked and overclocked versions and there are besides some bundled game offers around to sweeten the hand. We ’ ll be certain to get some of these cards in for testing over the occur weeks. For now, though, let ’ s take a look at how the reference point board performs. With the launching of some truly stellar gaming titles in the final few months, some of our tested and tested graphics benchmarks are looking a sting long in the tooth. thus, for this review I ’ ve dropped Counter-Strike : beginning in privilege of Team Fortress 2, and I ’ ve added in the Crysis show to see how these cards cope with the latest most demanding of games. call Of Duty 2, 3DMark06, and Prey are still in there for the time being but this will credibly be the survive time they will be used for testing – we just need to iron out the kinks in our test code before the newfangled benchmarks can be let free .

As per common, each game is run with full in-game detail settings at a diverseness of resolutions with varying degrees of anti-aliasing and anisotropic filter applied. For Call Of Duty 2, Prey, 3Dmark06, and Team Fortress 2, each arrange is run three times and the average is taken so we end up with a pretty rock upstanding calculate. For Crysis we ’ ve used the built-in timedemo that loops four times enabling us to calculate an average from the results. As it ’ s such a demand crippled, though, we ’ ve kept in-game settings to high ( rather than very-high ) and besides stuck to resolutions of just 1,280 x 1,024 and 1,680 ten 1,050. We besides use transparency anti-aliasing throughout our testing as we feel its a process proficiency that greatly enhances double quality in a lot of games .

Our test chopine consists of the following :

We generally find that any single card configuration struggles to cope at the resolutions demanded by a 30in monitor so we’ve stuck to testing at 1,920 x 1,200 and 1,600 x 1,200 (or 1,680 x 1,050), and 1,280 x 1,024 for these tests. We will, however, come back to test SLI and CrossFire configurations very soon so we will take a look at performance at 2,560 x 1,600 then.

As was to be expected, the 8800 GTX is still top of the pile (well, except for the 8800 Ultra, but we haven’t tested that here) but overall the 8800 GT makes a good show of itself, most notably staying ahead of the 8800 GTS for the majority of tests. At the highest resolutions and anti-aliasing settings, the reduced memory bandwidth of the 8800 GT lets it down and the 8800 GTS just creeps ahead on the odd occasion. However, considering the price difference, and all the other benefits of the new card, the 8800 GT would be the better bet every time.
We by and large find that any single calling card configuration struggles to cope at the resolutions demanded by a 30in monitor so we ’ ve stick to testing at 1,920 ten 1,200 and 1,600 x 1,200 ( or 1,680 ten 1,050 ), and 1,280 x 1,024 for these tests. We will, however, come back to test SLI and CrossFire configurations very soon so we will take a spirit at performance at 2,560 x 1,600 then.As was to be expected, the 8800 GTX is however top of the throng ( well, except for the 8800 Ultra, but we haven ’ triiodothyronine tested that here ) but overall the 8800 GT makes a good prove of itself, most notably staying ahead of the 8800 GTS for the majority of tests. At the highest resolutions and anti-aliasing settings, the reduce memory bandwidth of the 8800 GT lets it down and the 8800 GTS just creeps ahead on the odd affair. however, considering the price remainder, and all the other benefits of the new card, the 8800 GT would be the better stake every clock time.
Conversely, the 8800 GTX does enough to show why it placid demands such a high price. While the other cards begin to drop off significantly as the resolution, anti-aliasing, and anisotropic filtering are cranked up, the 8800 GTX takes far less of a hit. In particular, Team Fortress 2 at 1,920 x 1,200 with 8xAA and 16xAF is closely doubly as firm with the 8800 GTX as it is with the 8800 GT. however, for the most region the 8800 GT is more than adequate to .

Of course none of this takes into explanation the incredibly poor people framerates that all the cards produce when playing Crysis. Hopefully the entire game will be slightly more optimize, while future driver updates from both ATI and nVIdia should besides improve the situation. otherwise, Crysis could prove to be unplayable for most people, which would be a huge pity because it looks incredible .

” ’ Verdict ” ’

While the nVidia 8800 GT doesn ’ t beat the install 8800 GTX, it provides close to the performance for a divide of the price and besides packs in more features to sweeten the deal. Add to this it ’ s modest size, cool operation, and placid run and you have a menu that we can ’ triiodothyronine recommend highly enough. It ’ s merely phenomenal .

We had some anomalous results when 4x anti-aliasing was enabled on the 8800 series cards in Prey and Call Of Duty 2. This was down to the cards ’ occasionally not displaying textures correctly which actually improves performance because there ’ randomness less post process to be done. It ’ s a know write out and one we ’ ve yet to solve but I ’ ve included the results anyhow, as you may besides find you have similar issues .

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