10 Meme Generators to Create Your Own Memes for Free – Make Tech Easier

Want to turn a photograph into a meme ? You can do it with help of meme generator apps, which offer an advantage for a wide kind of templates, specially the swerve ones, such as meme fonts and a dedicate interface. Let ’ s take a look at the best meme generator apps for Android, iPhone, on-line tools, and background .

1. IMGFlip (Web)

IMGFlip, one of the finest meme maker on-line apps, provides a overplus of meme templates equally well as the option to merely search for them. It has more than 1000 meme templates, including Drake memes, kat memes, no memes, and baby memes. You may even use your own photograph to make memes .
The app allows you to edit your memes in a assortment of ways. You may, for exercise, draw on the picture or alter the meme text color, size, style, and alignment .
The lone disadvantage of this app is that if you use the “ Generate meme ” button, it adds a water line to the finished prototype. You may avoid this by right-clicking on the finished picture and selecting “ Save trope as. ”

To create a meme using IMGFlip :

  1. Open the website and press the “Create” button.
  2. Choose “Make a meme” from the menu.

Meme Generator Web Imgflip Create MemeMeme Generator Web Imgflip Create Meme

  1. Use the Search box to find the right template for your meme. Alternatively, click on “Upload new template” to add your own image to the app.
  2. Enter the meme text in the available boxes.
  3. To customize the text, use the settings toggle next to each field.
  4. Save the image.

Meme Generator Web ImgflipMeme Generator Web Imgflip IMGFlip besides lets you create video or GIF memes. To make a GIF, you can upload a video recording from your computer, link to it, or add several pictures. To do so, blue-ribbon “ Make a GIF ” under the “ Create ” button. After you ’ ve added a television, suction stop “ Add text to GIF. ”
Meme Generator Web Imgflip VideoMeme Generator Web Imgflip Video


  • Wide variety of templates
  • Customizable fonts
  • Video memes


  • Adds a watermark

2. DrMemes (Web)

DrMemes is another great service that allows you to make memes for free and without the function of a water line. You have the option of using one of the meme templates or uploading your own double. Although it offers fewer templates than IMGFlip, it does allow for font change and the accession of stickers and emojis to memes. Using this on-line joyride, you can even make a GIF meme out of pictures .

  1. Open drmemes.com and, depending on how you want to make a meme, click on “Choose meme template” or “Upload picture.”
  2. Add text from the side boxes.
  3. Use the settings toggle to customize the font.

Meme Generator Web DrmemeMeme Generator Web Drmeme


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Font customization
  • No watermark


  • Fewer templates

3. ILoveIMG (Web)

The ILoveIMG web app is another on the list of on-line meme godhead web tools. You can make a meme using an existing template, like with the last two, or start from scratch using your own picture. unfortunately, this app does not allow you to customize the baptismal font or create video memes. however, it creates memes with no water line. It besides allows you to select whether to force the text within the visualize .

  1. Open the website in a browser.
  2. Click on “Select meme template” or “Upload image.”
  3. Enter the text in the available boxes.

Meme Generator Web IloveimgMeme Generator Web Iloveimg


  • Huge collection of free templates
  • No watermark
  • Easy to use
  • Can perform other image-editing tasks, such as compress, resize, crop, and more


  • No font customization

Other Web-Based Meme Generators

here are just a few more on-line options :

4. Meme Generator (Android/iOS)

Meme Generator is one of the most popular Android apps for making memes. This app offers a across-the-board crop of meme templates, including cat memes, meme faces, no memes, and many more. These templates can be easily found using the Search choice. You can even make a meme out of your own trope .
The io version of Meme Generator is exchangeable but lacks a research function .

  1. Select the meme template in the app or tap “Custom meme → Gallery” to add an image from the gallery.
  2. The app lets you crop the meme or rotate/flip images using the options at the top.
  3. Tap on the text to change its font style, color, and alignment. You can even add a sticker to the meme.
  4. When done, tap on “Save” to download the meme or hit “Share” to send it to social media apps.

Meme Generator Android Zombo 2Meme Generator Android Zombo 2


  • Many templates
  • Crop, flip, and rotate images
  • Add a custom image, font style, and sticker.
  • No watermark


  • Ads

5. Meme Creator (Android)

Another option is the Meme Creator Android app .

  1. The app opens with the meme template gallery with categories like animals, celebrities, cartoons, and more.
  2. Tap on one of these templates or press the “Gallery” icon at the top to add your own custom image.
  3. Add the meme text in the “Top” and “Bottom” text fields. Change the font style using the settings icon next to the text.
  4. To download or send memes, use the “Save” or “Share” icons at the bottom.

Meme Generator Android Meme Creator 2Meme Generator Android Meme Creator 2


  • No watermark
  • Meme categories
  • Custom fonts


  • Occasional ads

6. Video & GIF Memes (Android)

If you are looking to create video recording or GIF memes, then Video and GIF Memes is your best option on Android. Without adding any watermark, you can create memes from video, GIFs, or multiple pictures .

  1. Launch the app and tap on the source file type.
  2. Trim the video and add customizable meme text when asked.
  3. Save the video or GIF meme after customizing video parameters, such as video frame rate, speed, quality, etc.

Meme Generator Android Video 2Meme Generator Android Video 2


  • No watermark
  • Access to Tenor GIF database
  • Trim video


  • Ads
  • No image memes

Other Meme Generator Apps for Android

7. GIF Maker – Meme GIF Creator (iOS)

The GIF Maker app, as the name implies, allows you to make GIF memes from television or images. The app lets you trim the video recording before converting it into a video recording meme. former, you can add customizable text, filters, and stickers to the meme. You can even change the canvas tent size. furthermore, you can create memes from popular GIF templates by using the GIF option in the video.

  1. After launching the app, tap on the “Video to GIF” option and choose your video.
  2. Trim it, if need be.
  3. Tap on “Add text” to add humorous meme text to your video.
  4. Hit the Share icon to download the video or share it directly to social media apps.

Meme Generator Iphone VideoMeme Generator Iphone Video


  • No watermark


  • Ads

If you don ’ thyroxine like this app, any video editor that lets you add textbook can besides be used to create video recording memes .

8. Memeto – Meme Maker & Creator (iOS)

The Memeto app lets you create memes from your own picture templates, blank memes, and popular templates. deplorably, you will have to scroll through the meme tilt to find a desirable meme template, as it lacks the search feature of speech. interestingly, the app lets you select the meme text templates, such as keeping the text inside the visualize, outlining the image, and more .

  1. Once you select a meme template in the app, choose the meme, and press the “Text” option to add and style the meme text.
  2. When done, press the Share icon to save it to your device.

Meme Generator Iphone MemetoMeme Generator Iphone Memeto


  • No watermark
  • Multiple meme styles


  • Lacks search

Other Meme Generator Apps for iPhone

9. Meme Generator Suite (Windows)

Meme Generator Suite is loaded with all the useful features one expects from a meme generator app. Be it the preloaded, popular memes or the search have to find meme on-line, the app has it all. And, of path, you can generate memes from your pictures, excessively .
The Meme Generator Suite app lets you adjust the meme baptismal font size, semblance, and outline color. You can even snip the meme in this app .
To create a meme :

  1. Start with a preloaded meme template from the app or click “From gallery” to add your own image.
  2. Adjust the text parameters and press the Save icon to download the image.
  3. You can upload the image directly to IMGur or social media apps as well.

Meme Generator Pc AppMeme Generator Pc App


  • Huge collection of memes
  • Powerful search
  • Offline collection
  • No watermark


  • Advertisements

10. Meme Generator (Windows/macOS)

available for both Windows and Mac, the Meme Generator app lets you create custom memes and memes from the app ’ second templates. The templates range from kat memes, meme faces, and no memes. The app lets you add a black border to the double and favorite memes. It flush offers a dedicate section for Keep calm memes .

  1. Click on any meme to start editing it.
  2. On the meme editing screen, click on the meme text to change its font color and style.

Meme Generator Pc App Keep CalmMeme Generator Pc App Keep Calm


  • Meme examples
  • No watermark


  • Cannot share directly to social media apps

Other Meme Generator Apps for PC

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is meme pronounced?

According to Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries, the correct way to say meme is “ Meem ” and not “ Me-Me ” or “ May May. ”

2. What font is used in memes?

Memes are by and large written in the the Impact font, and that, besides, is in uppercase .

3. Where can I download meme templates for free?

away from the apps mentioned above, which are constantly adding modern meme templates, you may find more of them by just Googling the meme appoint in Google Search. You may besides discover some intrigue and unusual meme templates on Twitter by searching for “ meme templates. ” alternatively, you may use meme search engines such as hypertext transfer protocol : //me.me/ .

4. How can I create memes without a dedicated meme maker?

It ’ s not necessary to use a meme generator to create memes. You can make memes by adding textbook to your effigy or video recording using any photograph or video recording editor program app on mobile or personal computer. apart from that, chat or social media apps like WhatsApp and Tumblr besides let you create memes.

If you need some divine guidance, check out these hilarious Android and Internet memes .
Mehvish Mushtaq Mehvish Mushtaq
Mehvish is a technology enthusiast from Kashmir, India. A calculator engineer by degree, she ‘s constantly been acute to help when person finds engineering challenging. Her favorite verticals include how-to guides, explainers, tips and tricks for Android, iOS/iPadOS, Windows, social media, and vane apps .

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