Every way you can take a screenshot on your Android phone or tablet

galaxy-a51-v2 John Kim/CNET
Taking a screenshot on your Android call or tablet is n’t adenine easy as pressing a single clitoris. I wish it were. It can be a frustrating feel, specially when you ‘re trying to capture a specific fit in motion — like in a television clip or bet on — or a screen that you worry may promptly disappear. It ‘s besides thwart if you think you ‘re taking a screen capture and wind up about powering down your phone alternatively. To complicate the offspring, some Android phones have a few different methods that make it agile and painless to capture your riddle, unlike newer iPhones, which have only one direction to take a screenshot. We ‘ll partake the standard method acting that should be available across all Android phones, deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as a breakdown of how to take screenshots on a Samsung or Motorola telephone.

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Android’s tried-and-true method

closely every Android earphone or pill allows you to take a screenshot by concisely holding the volume down and office buttons. Just press them at the same fourth dimension for a brief moment and when you let go you ‘ll hear a television camera shutter sound, your sieve will flash, and you ‘ll see a thumbnail of your screenshot show up along the bottom of your sieve .227-google-pixel-4-and-google-pixel-4-xl Sarah Tew/CNET Getting the timing down can be catchy at beginning. Some phones, like the Pixel 4 XL, require you to press both buttons for about a second. Others, like the OnePlus 8 Pro, however, will only take a screenshot if you promptly press the buttons without holding them down at all. If you mistime the button presses, you ‘ll find yourself staring at your earphone waiting for it to do something, and so far nothing happens. Or worse, you may get to the boot screen, and not know how to get out ( barely press the home button ). Take a few minutes to try both methods if you ‘re having a hard time triggering the screenshot functionality on your call. It will save future you some headaches .galaxy-s20-plus-s20-ultra Juan Garzon/CNET

Samsung’s long list of screenshot tools

Samsung has three extra options for taking a screenshot on a Galaxy call like the Galaxy S20 or Galaxy Note 10. Swipe to capture : To turn on the decoration pilfer gesticulate, you ‘ll need to go to Settings > Advanced Features > Motions and gestures and slide the switch next to Palm swipe to capture to the On stead. With it turned on, slide the edge of your bridge player from the left edge of the display to the right slope to take a screenshot. It may feel a bit eldritch at first, but it ‘s a more authentic method for person who struggles with getting the timing down of pressing the right button jazz band. Smart Selection tool : Go to Settings > Display > Edge screen and then tap on Edge Panels ( turn the sport on if it is n’t already ). last, add the Smart Capture Panel. Going forward, you can slide out your edge panels and select the Smart Capture gore to take a screenshot, record your screen or create a GIF. For Galaxy Note phones only : Remove the S-Pen stylus and use the Air Command menu to select Smart Capture and take a screenshot. not only do you get the extra options that Smart Capture adds, but using the stylus means you can drag the capture window to any share of the screen you want, which can save you from cropping out bombastic portions of it subsequently .moto-g7-power Juan Garzon/CNET

Motorola’s unique screenshot trick

Own a Motorola phone ? It ‘s full of especial gestures for things like opening the camera with a immediate turn of the wrist, or, it turns out, for taking a screenshot. You ‘ll need to turn it on by opening the Moto app in your app drawer, then selecting Moto Actions and tapping Three-finger screenshot from the tilt of options. There ‘s a promptly show built into the settings section that lets you try it out before turning it on. The process consists of placing three fingers, slightly spread out, on the screen door at the lapp time until you see a screenshot appropriate. If your Android earphone has a darling screenshot method you want to share, leave a comment below and we ‘ll add it to this post.

With taking a screenshot mastered, take a few minutes to learn all of Android 10 ‘s gestures, its privacy controls, and then dive headlong into our favored obscure features .

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