Replace Your Windows 10 Start Menu With these Alternatives

The modern Start menu in Windows 10 is decidedly one of the biggest upgrades to previous versions ; right behind Cortana. It ’ south streamlined, heavily customizable, and comes with cool be tiles that show be information from apps .
No topic how herculean it may be, I personally don ’ thyroxine like the Windows 10 Start menu ; it just looks like it got beat up by a rainbow. To make it simpler, I tried getting rid of the whole live tiles section, but it wasn ’ t the right call as I still need it to pin important apps. thankfully, I found a third-party surrogate for the Windows 10 Start menu that allowed me to customize the Start menu precisely as I wanted .
If you are one of those classical folks who prefer the elegant and directly forward design of the Windows 7 era, then I know just the right alternatives to help you. Below you ’ ll find some of the best Windows 10 Start menu alternatives that will let you completely change the count of the Start menu and even add extra features you never knew you needed .

IObit Start Menu 8

It ’ s a free app, but IObit does advertise its other programs while installing and in the new Start menu on foremost habit. It does have a paid interpretation that offers automatic pistol updates, but it ’ s not compulsory to buy it. Start Menu 8 has two Start Menu styles, one is based on Windows 7 expressive style and the other is a act directly alike to Windows 8 menus.

IObit Start Menu 8
It has over a twelve built-in Start menu buttons that are actually identical high quality. Like other apps, the Start menu is fully customizable and you can add remove items and deepen picture sizes as you please .

Open Shell ( Classic Shell )

Classic Shell has been the raw material alternative to Windows default Start menu for many years. unfortunately, the Classic Shell developer had to leave the project so he made it open informant. Open Shell is the same Classic Shell app, but it ’ second updated by volunteer developers to stay up-to-date with Windows 10 updates. The main purpose of Open Shell is to replace the Windows 10 Start menu with a Windows 7 like Start menu that can be far customized with skins .
Open Shell Start Menu
When you first launch the app, you should pick a Start menu style ( single or double column ) and then apply a skin you prefer ( try Metallic, it ’ sulfur very good ). This is sufficient to get a new Start Menu that is simple and functional. however, if you want to further customize, then there is so much more you can do .
Open Shell Choose Start menu style
The Basic Settings and Customize Start Menu tab key will help configure which buttons to show in the Start menu and which menu to open when you right-click on the Start menu or urge the Windows identify. You can besides replace the Start Menu button with a custom visualize and change its size besides .
Open Shell settings
When you are quick to take entire manipulate over the Start menu, check the checkbox next to Show all settings at the top. This opens a twelve more tabs to in full customize the Start menu. You can control the Start menu button, change main menu items, choice right-click menu demeanor, change menu design and animations, switch lyric, wangle search box behavior, and a lot more .
enable all settings in Open Shell
I might be a bit biased being a Classic Shell drug user for over 5 years, but in my opinion, it ’ s the most customizable beginning menu alternative that is besides completely unblock .


StartIsBack decidedly has a much better drug user interface than Open Shell, but it ’ s a little less customizable. This Windows Start menu alternative is for both the Start menu and the Taskbar of Windows. Any changes you make will affect both the Start menu and the Taskbar .
It comes with 3 Start menu styles which are by and large inspired by the Windows 7 Start menu. You can besides select a customs picture for the Start menu button or use the Windows 7 button provided by the app. More importantly, it lets you change the color of both the Taskbar and Start menu to any color you like .
StartIsBack change Start menu color
If you move to the Configure behavior section, you ’ ll find a bunch together of options to configure how you interact with the Start menu. You can select what apps and items to show in the Start menu by default and besides change the world power button behavior. furthermore, it ’ south search option allows you to take your question to Cortana if nothing is found in programs and folders .
StartIsBack Configuration menu
StartIsBack is a pay up app to replace the Windows 10 Start menu and you can get a life license for $ 3.99 for a individual personal computer. Although, it does have a 30-days trial version that contains all the features for you to evaluate .


Start10 takes a little unlike approach to Start menu style. alternatively of precisely copying the Windows 7 dash, it makes Windows 10 Start menu style simple. There is a Windows 7 inspired dash that uses the basic frame of Windows 7, but well incorporates Windows 10 icon styles and app choices. And besides a modern style that functions the same but uses the Windows 10 Start menu background.

Read more: Dead Orbit

A more interesting sport of Start10 is the ability to add cool themes and images as the Start menu and taskbar background. You can even upload a custom photograph and apply it as a Start menu background. Just like other Start menu apps, Start10 besides lets you configure icon size, peg apps, show recent apps and attention deficit disorder programs as links or menus .
Start10 add custom image
If you move to the Control section of the app, you will find many options to control how you open the Start10 menu. For example, you can decide whether the Windows button or clicking on the Start menu picture opens the Start10 menu or Windows 10 default option Start menu. This can be extremely utilitarian if you intend to use both the Start10 menu and the nonpayment Start menu at the like time .
Start10 Control options
Start10 is besides a premium app and you ’ ll have to pay $ 3.74 to get the life license. Although you can use the fully functional 30-days trial interpretation before buy ( requires email signup ) .

Start Menu X

If you are looking to make your Windows 10 menu even more functional than Start Menu X might intrigue you. rather of dumbing down to the Windows 7 style Start menu, Start Menu X upgrades the Start menu to cursorily entree apps and folder data. It basically turns any folder or Windows setting here into a searchable menu that shows all its contents by hovering over .
You can access folders and their items correct from the Start menu and flush access subfolders. The app utilizes the populate tiles section of the Start menu to list all the sub-items of folders and apps, and you can adjust the placement of each item veracious from here equally good .
Start Menu X
Another matter to feature of speech of Start Menu X is its ability to set timer-based power options, such as restart, shutdown, and log off, etc. You can set a particular timekeeper and your personal computer will use one of the ability options when the time is up. This can be extremely useful to shut down the personal computer while you are away if a program needs to complete a undertaking .
Start Menu X set power timer
similar to other apps, it comes with a handful of skins and styles to customize the search of your Start menu. Most of the Start Menu X features are available in the detached version, but its One-Click-Launch sport is merely available in the pay version for $ 9.99 .

More Windows 10 Start Menu Alternatives

I find the above as the best alternatives for Windows 10 Start menu. Each of them has its own unique features that make them worth picking depending on your predilection. however, there are some more apps ampere well that can work as an option to the Windows 10 Start menu. Although some of them are not being updated anymore, so there is a chance they may break in the future. And others don ’ thyroxine extend enough exciting features that I may put them in the limelight .
I am calm listing them here as some of you might find them utilitarian depending on your needs .


A very dim-witted Windows 10 Start menu alternative that lets you get a Windows 7 or Windows 8 expressive style Start menu. I must say the Windows 7 root Start menu looks precisely like the substantial Windows 7 Start menu, and the Windows 8 one besides copies the menu styles perfectly. You can besides download more skins if the stream ones don ’ t please you. ViStart is besides wholly spare and open source .

Start Menu Reviver

This app works alike to the default Windows 10 Start menu, but it has its own interface and limitations. Start Menu Reviver comes with tiles feature that supports up to 64 tiles that you can scroll through. The tiles are besides not limited to apps and settings, you can add good about any file ; including media files and websites. A bunch of crucial settings and folders are listed on the leave side, and you can use the All Apps button to view all the install apps on your personal computer .
Start Menu Reviver

unfortunately, the Start menu size is very little and there seems to be no way to resize it. This makes it very difficult to navigate the Start menu as titles take a batch of space .

Ending thoughts

I personally use overt Shell as I like its double-column vogue Start menu and the customization it offers is barely mind-bending. In case you don ’ metric ton know, Microsoft is besides working on simplifying Start Menu and many changes are already shipped to the insider build. If you like those changes, then soon you might not even have to get an alternate for Windows 10 Start menu .
following, find out how you can tweak Windows 10 for better operation .

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