AMD launches 7th-generation A-Series processors for desktops

Join gaming leaders, aboard GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming, for their 2nd Annual GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit | GamesBeat : Into the Metaverse 2 this approaching January 25-27, 2022. Learn more about the consequence .

Advanced Micro Devices is announcing that desktop systems with its 7th-generation AMD A-Series processors are shipping nowadays .
The new systems are based on AMD ’ s code-named Bristol Ridge accelerated processing units ( APUs ), which use AM4 sockets and are aimed at offering performance, streaming, graphics, and power efficiency. These processors compete with Intel ’ s latest code-named Kaby Lake processors, known formally as 7th Generation Core processors.

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based AMD estimates that over 10 trillion seconds are spent with PCs every day. I haven ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate fact-checked that number, but it sounds about right to me .
“ The important thing as innovators of technology is to drive to make sure that those 10 trillion seconds are more generative, more immersive, and more department of energy efficient, ” said Peter Amos, a spokesman for AMD, in a press brief. “ That ’ s the drive push behind our intersection growth. ”


The 2nd Annual GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming Summit and GamesBeat : Into the Metaverse 2
January 25 – 27, 2022

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AMD A-Series is the 7th generation of APUs.AMD A-Series is the 7th generation of APUs. double citation : age-related macular degeneration The new processors are APUs, or those that combine a microprocessor and graphics functions on the lapp chip. They will ship later this year in Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo devices. Equipped with DDR4 memory, these devices will deliver excellent energy efficiency and broad bandwidth, enabling high-speed work and smooth esports gaming, with enhance HD stream capabilities, AMD said .
“ We are excited for the first consumer dismissal of the AMD AM4 socket and the first consolidation of our 7th Generation AMD A-Series processors into desktop devices, ” said Kevin Lensing, corporate frailty president of the united states and general coach of Computing and Graphics at AMD. “ At AMD, we are continually working to drive invention that our customers want, including lake superior department of energy efficiency and the best pour and graphics capabilities available. ”
The systems will have chips that have up to four Excavator cardinal process unit ( CPU ) cores each. AMD recently announced its Zen cores, which have 40 percentage more performance per clock than the Excavator cores. But systems with those cores won ’ metric ton embark until late this year or early on adjacent year. The Excavator CPU has 17 percentage higher single-threaded operation than the previous generation .
The CPUs are paired with AMD Radeon GCN 3.0 cores that run at 1.1 gigahertz. These graphics cores have support for VP9 and HEVC video stream standards. The operation is 27 percentage better on graphics than on the former generation .
The 7th Generation AMD A-Series background processors consist of 65-watt and 35-watt versions, making it so they can fit in a variety of imprint factors. The former generation consumed 95 watt. The processors have video playback features supporting up to 4K Ultra HD in both the democratic H.264 and new-and-improved H.265 formats.

The 35-watt AMD A12-9800 chip at 65 watt has equal performance to the Intel i5-6600K at 91 watts, AMD said. AMD besides has 99 percentage higher graphics performance than the Intel chip. On energy efficiency, AMD said its chip is 32 percentage better in arrangement efficiency. AMD ’ s 35-watt chip can besides outdo the Intel i5-6500 65-watt check, AMD said .
“ The 7th generation parts deliver on performance, and they besides deliver on efficiency, ” said Amos. “ We ’ re equipped to handle what is needed today and tomorrow. ”
The AMD chips will use the AM4 platform, which is designed to last multiple generations, said Don Woligroski, global commercialize coach for Desktop Processors at AMD. AMD has a number of chip sets that will support the AM4 platform .


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