ASUS Xonar Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review | your ears will love you | Audio

ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review Introduction The quality of audio devices has improved dramatically in recent times, particularly when it comes to providing excellent HiFi quality at low-cost levels. This, coupled to the comfort of having huge digital sound recording collections, has lead to more of us having high-end audio headphones or speakers, and the accompanying audiophiles such choice brings. so what if you need to make the most of your apparatus and demand absolute sound recording perfection careless of cost ?

Cue the ASUS STX II 7.1 audio tease. The sequel to one of the finest audiophile sound cards on the market. back in 2009 the market was in a submit of blend with creative suffering hideous driver issues leaving a drowsy chasm precisely waiting for another manufacturer to fill, and the Xonar range from ASUS beautifully filled that opening. There were a massive bunch together of cards to choose from but if you wished for only the finest audio quality then the Essence STX was the one to go for. You did have to purchase an extra break-out card to allow things other than studio apartment headphones to be utilized and that ‘s where the STX II truly comes up trumps. With the wax specifications available here, if you ‘re interest, it ‘s better to give a brief overview, as the STX II does indeed much we could take up half the review space with numbers many people do n’t amply understand.

Industry-leading 124dB SNR ( signal-to-noise ratio ratio ) audio choice inherited from the Xonar Essence ST/STX
Ultra-low jitter with premium TCXO clock source
Clean and consistent power supply thanks to high-fidelity low-dropout ( LDO ) regulators and WIMA® capacitors
Headphone amplifier supports up to 600ohm-headphone electric resistance with extra gain for in-ear monitors
exclusive op-amp barter kit includes 3 op-amps and cock for easy tone tuning (

Texas Instruments LME49720s and one MUSES 8820)

Celebrated MUSES op-amps extradite true-to-life musicality
Ultra-fidelity ( 120dB SNR ) 7.1-channel end product via the daughter dining table Up Close The packaging for the STX II hints at what a senior high school end merchandise this is. No fancy graphics, no unexpected color schemes, equitable a solid box with a clear design ethos. Inside, apart from the two elements to the STX II itself, there are three extra OP-AMP changes – Texas Instruments LME49720s and a MUSES 8820 – allowing you to fine tune the audio reproduction for your particular tastes. ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review

ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review

ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review

ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review

Read more: Dead Orbit

As you can see the versatile accessory cards of old which had to be purchased individually have all been merged into a single PCIe soundcard satiate with all the connectivity you could hope to have, specially if you ‘re in the market for a high timbre surround fathom have. Beneath that cover girl EMI shroud is found the affection of the Essence STX II. There is a TI PCM 1792a DA converter, MUSES OP-AMPs, WIMA capacitors and the celebrated Texas Instruments TPA6210A2 earphone amplifier. Wherever you look the ASUS STX II is stuffed with the highest choice parts to bring a sock 124db SNR clearness through speakers, and 120db when use headphones. All of this is kept in perfect synchronism with a temperature controlled crystal oscillator.

Conclusion There are likely to be two main audiences for the ASUS Essence STX II ; Audiophiles, and those seeking only the best possible products in their system. Which class you fall into depends largely upon how much sense you made of the above. If you were gasping with rejoice at the cognition that the STX II utilises MUSES amps then you know already that every one item on the check tilt has been fulfilled and should immediately rush out and purchase one. If you did n’t grasp a lot of it but are ghastly of the audio you ‘re presently experiencing then we can assure you that you wont find a better quality sound menu on the market. Of course it ‘s fabulously expensive but if you own a appropriately high quality jell of speakers or headphones the remainder is astronomic. Everything sounds precisely as you ‘d wish it to do, with a clarity of definition that left our mouths open every individual time we pumped our media of choice through it. The inclusion of three OP AMPs and the 7.1 daughter circuit board means that you can install a perplex range of audio devices into the STX II and then fine tune the output signal until you are deoxyadenosine monophosphate satisfy as a hedge who lives outside a bakery. Everything from low to eminent electric resistance headphones, studio monitors and regular wall systems is supported.

The ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard is aural nirvana and if you have flush the slightest matter to in high timbre phone you should seek one forbidden. decidedly excellent and an easy winner of our OC3D Gold Award. Discuss the ASUS Xonar Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review in the OC3D Forums .

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