GTA V: How to Optimize Graphics Settings & Boost FPS | AVG

You ’ re here because you want your GTA 5 graphics and gameplay to look and run as fast and smoothly as possible. Let ’ s rise those graphics and fix low FPS — and check out some of the best GTA 5 mods out there ! Grand Theft Auto V ( besides known as Grand Theft Auto 5, GTA V, and GTA 5 ) is the latest in the iconic video game series from Rockstar Games .

How do I boost graphics and frame speed for GTA 5?

A GTA V performance boost for graphics and FPS ( frames per second ) means making your bet on count great and run smoothly. Let ’ s define a few terms :

  • Graphics: Your graphics are how the game looks. Better graphics are cleaner and sharper. They ’ ll display more details, include more textures, have more realistic light and shadows, and run the game at a higher resoluteness .
  • FPS: The numeral of frames per second you see as you play is the FPS, besides known as the “ human body rate. ” The ideal gameplay have runs at a frame rate of 60 FPS. For comparison, most movies show at 24 FPS. A higher frame pace means your game looks politic, while low FPS will appear choppy .
  • Boosting: You can boost, or increase, the graphics and FPS in your game by tweaking the settings and using “ mods ” that change respective aspects of the game .
  • Mods: In bet on, a mod is an alteration to a game that can range from small graphic tweaks, to extra levels, to a completely new game built on the bones of the original. Players create mods to improve a game and increase its life .
    In this article, we recommend some of the best GTA 5 mods to improve the graphics and performance of GTA 5 on your personal computer .

GTA 5 supports a wide range of graphic and performance optimizations, but evening the newest computers can struggle to handle them all. We ’ ll usher you how to improve your calculator ’ second graphics and get optimum FPS so you can have the best personal computer for GTA 5 .
Graphics and FPS can’t both be perfect — unless you ’ rhenium willing to buy or build a very expensive gambling personal computer. broadly, if you want the best possible graphics, you ’ ll have to accept lower FPS. conversely, optimizing your game for FPS normally means a few graphic sacrifices. So you ’ ll indigence to balance your gaming expectations with your personal computer ’ sulfur capabilities .
Optimizing graphics and FPS for the best GTA V performance. Balancing graphics and FPS for optimum GTA V performance .
To unlock the best personal computer gaming feel for GTA 5, get AVG TuneUp — particularly designed by gamers and personal computer performance experts. AVG TuneUp eliminates obscure processes clogging up your personal computer ’ sulfur memory and CPU, and the built-in Sleep Mode feature lets you put background programs that are slowing you down to sleep .
Try AVG TuneUp nowadays and unleash the full exponent of your gaming rig .

What PC hardware do I need to play GTA 5?

According to Rockstar Games, the GTA 5 system requirements are :

  • Operating system: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2 ( Nvidia video card recommended if running Vista OS )
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40 GHz ( 4 CPUs ) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor ( 4 CPUs ) @ 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Video Card: Nvidia 9800 GT 1 GB / AMD HD 4870 1 GB ( DX 10, 10.1, 11 )
  • Sound Card: 100 % DirectX 10 compatible
  • Hard Drive Space: 65 GB
  • DVD drive: lone if you have a physical version of the game

These are the minimum requirements for the crippled to function. You ’ ll get much better FPS with an Intel Core i5 to i7 or AMD Ryzen quad-core processor from the final five or six years and a similarly recent graphics wag .
For smooth FPS at full HD, you ’ ll want a 3 GHz Core i5 that ’ s no more than four years old, and at least a GeForce GTX 1660 graphics card. Consider getting a GeForce RTX 3070 if it ’ s within your budget. You ’ ll besides want to upgrade to at least 8 GB of RAM .
only the highest-end graphics cards — such as the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT — can render the game at 4K resolution with all the top GTA V graphics settings and performance tweaks. For the best results, combine two graphics cards in SLI, which lets them work together .
You don ’ t need the fanciest gear, or tied a background personal computer, to play GTA 5. An Intel HD graphics calling card can handle gameplay, fair not a smoothly as a better one. But with this scout, you ’ ll still be able to boost your GTA 5 graphics and FPS .

Optimize your PC and laptop to fix GTA V low FPS and improve performance

No topic what type of hardware you have, your first gradation is to optimize your personal computer for gaming so you can have the best personal computer for GTA 5. These tips serve as both high-end and low-end personal computer settings tweaks alike .

  1. Upgrade your graphics drivers. You can do this manually, or let AVG Driver Updater do it for you automatically .
  2. Disable unnecessary background activity with AVG TuneUp to ensure your CPU is dedicated to GTA 5 .
  3. Defrag your disks .

last, make a few inner changes to speed up your computer and improve its performance .
For ongoing GTA 5 optimization, try AVG TuneUp — our specialize personal computer operation booster. AVG TuneUp automatically streamlines your computer, removing junk data and disabling unnecessary programs that hog your CPU ’ south exponent .

How to benchmark GTA 5 (and why you should)

GTA 5 comes with an integrated benchmark tool that can identify the settings, graphics, and FPS that will have the best effect on the game ’ s performance for your personal computer .
You can perform a GTA 5 benchmark test by heading to the graphics menu and pressing the TAB key. Once you ’ ve benchmarked your game, you can open up the GTA 5 settings menu and make some tweaks .
Depending on your GPU, your GTA V benchmarks will look unlike than other people ’ mho. An RTX 2080 or better will run GTA 5 at 60 FPS at 4K resolution and all lower resolution settings, but graphics cards like these are ampere expensive as they are hard to find .
An RTX 2070 will give you legato graphics at 1440p. If you ’ ra playing at 1080p, you can go with a Radeon RX 570 .

Why you should benchmark GTA 5 for current graphics and FPS

The GTA5 benchmark tool will show you which settings should improve your graphics, performance, and FPS the most. Use it before changing any settings, then check it again after you ’ ve made your changes to see if performance and graphics have improved .

Find the best GTA 5 graphics settings for your PC

In-game GTA V graphics settings are your first port of call to boost your graphics and fix low FPS. Unless you ’ ve got a animal of a bet on personal computer, you ’ ll indigence to balance smooth graphics and frame amphetamine. The GTA 5 low-end personal computer settings shown here will let you run the game on a distinctive calculator not optimized for bet on .
With GTA 5 run, open the settings and choose Graphics .
The Graphics settings in the menu for Grand Theft Auto V on Windows 10
GTA 5 will mechanically balance graphics and FPS based on your hardware. The Video Memory bar at the top shows you how demanding the game will be on your graphics card. Higher settings make the graphics look cleaner and more detailed — at the expense of hogging more memory and probable lowering your FPS .
here ’ s a quick comparison between the lowest and highest graphics settings :
Grand Theft Auto V on Windows 10 with the lowest graphics settings Lowest graphics settings
Grand Theft Auto V on Windows 10 with the highest graphics settings Highest graphics settings
In the moment picture, the textures are much crisper, giving a more realistic feel. But if you can live without these touches, you ’ ll get a massive GTA 5 FPS boost with lower settings .
here are the best GTA 5 settings to adjust if you ’ rhenium not getting the FPS you want .

1. Use MSAA instead of FXAA

MSAA ( Multisample Anti-Aliasing ) normally looks a bit better than FXAA ( Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing ). Turn off FXAA and try turning on MSAA at either 2x or 4x to improve low FPS .

2. Try VSync

Turning off the VSynch feature deactivates frame rate limitation and can boost your FPS. But you may notice some screen pluck, which happens when a game displays images from multiple frames at the lapp time. If you ’ re seeing that, turn VSync back on .

3. Lower the population density and variety

Turning the population density down reduces the number of pedestrians and cars in your populace. If you don ’ triiodothyronine mind your city feeling a piece empty, you might see a considerable rise in FPS, particularly on a laptop or older personal computer, with a lower population density .

4. Lower your texture and grass quality

Lowering your texture quality will boost your FPS, but at the cost of less-detailed graphics. You can besides find person GTA V graphics settings for pot and urine, but only a lowered grass quality will give you a big FPS boost. Lowering urine timbre didn ’ metric ton result in significant FPS gains in our tests, so you can leave it on High and enjoy those sparkling waves and ripples .
Check out this GTA V graphics comparison between depleted and high textures to see the difference .
The difference between lower texture settings and higher texture settings in Grand Theft Auto V on Windows 10 Lower texture settings ( left ) compared to higher texture settings ( right )

5. Drop your shader quality

While you ’ ra adjusting individual GTA 5 graphics settings, try reducing the shader quality angstrom well. In addition to lighting — what shaders normally control — the shader quality setting determines how much detail is preserved on parts of objects that are farther away .
Lowering your shader quality will cause you to lose some detail, but it ’ s not that detectable at a glance, and you ’ ll get a large FPS rise .

6. Deactivate reflection MSAA and lower reflection quality

Reflection MSAA controls the smoothness of reflective surfaces, such as a bright car or a puddle of rain. In our trial, deactivating expression MSAA netted us a 5 FPS rise without a meaning loss in graphics quality. So you can safely turn off reflection MSAA to get a modest FPS boost without sacrificing visuals .
Reflection quality determines the crispness and detail in the reflections you see around Los Santos. Lowering the observation choice to Normal means you ’ ll lose all reflections on vehicles, and on wet roads in the rain. Try setting your expression quality to High for a properly FPS gain without sacrificing all graphic effects .

7. Lower your resolution from 4K to Full HD or 720p

If you ’ rhenium dally on a big Full HD or 4K riddle, you ’ ll want to run GTA 5 at its native resolution ( 1920 x 1080 or 3840 ten 2160 ). But 4K means you should have a top-of-the-line graphics calling card ( or two ) to run smoothly .

What about frame scaling?

GTA 5 ’ randomness frame scaling system can adjust the game ’ s resoluteness without changing the actual resolution setting. People with wall projectors or oversized TVs can use skeletal system scaling to upscale the game so it hush looks good on massive displays. But without a powerful computer, frame scale will result in a big operation strike. Try dropping the frame scaling under 1x to see if your FPS increases.

8. Reduce distance scaling

distance scaling in GTA 5 ’ sulfur graphics settings determines the level of detail you see in objects that are far away from your character. eminent distance scaling populates your screen with buildings, terrain objects, cars, and pedestrians, and outfits them with full textures even at long distances, but doing therefore takes lots of juice from your GPU. The extend Distance Scaling fix is the most necessitate, but most visually rewarding, interpretation of this GTA 5 graphics setting .
Turning extended distance scaling off will increase pop-in — when buildings and other objects suddenly appear as you get closer to them — but it will also increase FPS. You can adjust it while playing depending on where in the crippled ’ s universe you are. Some environments are busier than others, with many more objects to render at once, and lowering distance scale in those areas can give you a immediate GTA V FPS promote .

9. Turn off advanced shadow settings (under Advanced Graphics)

Go to the Advanced Graphics part to find your promote shadow settings. In our tests, increasing the High Resolution Shadows and the Extended Shadows Distance incurred serious FPS costs while raising our television memory use by up to 800 MB. For top performance, keep these settings at a minimum .

High Resolution Shadows and Extended Shadow Distance

Turning off high resolution Shadows will leave your object shadows with less definition — the objects will look soft. Deactivating unfold Shadow Distance will save your computer the worry of rendering shadows for objects that are further aside from your character. But you ’ ll barter this fidelity for much higher FPS .

Soft shadows and long shadows

Choose sharp shadows over soft shadows to boost FPS even more. The shadows won ’ triiodothyronine front as lifelike, but your game ’ s performance may improve. You can besides get rid of long shadows — shadows that stretch as the sun drops closer to the horizon — for extra FPS gains .

10. Anisotropic filtering, tessellation, particle quality, and other GTA V graphics settings

The GTA 5 performance tweaks listed above aren ’ t the alone settings you can dial back to boost FPS, but they ’ re the ones that ’ ll give you the best results — making them GTA 5 ’ s best settings to boost FPS on a low-end personal computer .
other settings aren ’ thymine as impactful on FPS, and you can leave them adenine high as you ’ d like to enjoy the gorgeous scenery .

  • Anisotropic filtering in GTA V sharpens textures in the environment. Turning it off won ’ t have a noticeable difference in FPS .
  • Tessellation is a technique that adds more contingent to trees and early objects. Leave this on, besides .
  • Particle quality determines the level of detail in particle effects like smoke and sparks. You can leave this on Normal .

Secret GTA 5 graphics settings and launch options: commandline.txt tweaks

GTA 5 has some extra settings and launch options that aren ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate visible in the main menu. These establish options define how the game looks and functions when you open it, so you won ’ thymine have to adjust anything in the GTA 5 graphics settings menu .
We ’ ve picked out a handful of graphics settings and establish options that can farther boost your FPS and graphics. note that for these changes, you ’ ll need to make commandline.txt tweaks .
here are extra GTA 5 graphics settings and launch options to adjust to get the best personal computer for GTA 5 :
Step 1: Navigate to your game booklet : for model, E:\Games\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V .
Step 2: If you see a file called commandline.txt, open it. If not, create one yourself :

    1. Right-click in the folder and blue-ribbon New .
    2. Select Text Document .
    3. Rename the new document commandline.txt, or commandline if file extensions are disabled .

Step 3: Open this commandline with Notepad or your favored text editor .
The commandline text document in Grand Theft Auto V on Windows 10
nowadays, with your commandline text file open, type in the following options to modify the game beyond what ’ s possible in the settings menu .

  1. -disableHyperthreading
    Most modern processors have virtual cores for better multitasking. Adding this can boost performance on older machines, so it may be worth trying if that ’ s your position .
  2. -hdr
    Rockstar Support says this setting “ sets the hale rendering pipeline to 16-Bit. ” We didn ’ metric ton notice any significant changes when adding this, but your eyes may be sharper .
  3. -Noquattransform
    four transformation is the fastest proficiency for rotating objects in 3D space, but it may introduce errors. If you see objects floating in quad, use this command to disable four transformation .
  4. -adapter
    Add this set followed by a act between 0 and 4 to instruct GTA 5 to use your chosen graphics poster. For model, if the game is using your integrated chipset ( arranger 0 ), you can enter “ -adapter 1 ” to make GTA 5 choose your discrete graphics poster. Use this in combination with the future option .
  5. -ignoreDifferentVideoCard
    This adjust makes GTA 5 use only the one graphics chip you specified with the above dominate — and it can fix bumble .
  6. -FrameQueueLimit
    This limits frame pre-rendering. Reducing this can besides fix GTA 5 imprison and smooth things out a spot. Use -FrameQueueLimit 0 or -FrameQueueLimit 1 and see what works best .

There are more parameters available here, but many of them refer to settings in the game ’ randomness menu .

GTA 5 graphics & gameplay mods

If the two techniques outlined above aren ’ t enough, try the populace of GTA 5 mods. Recall that mods are additions to a game that can alter the way it looks or plays. many mods are fan-made labors of love .

How to install GTA 5 mods?

In most cases, it ’ second simpleton. Download the GTA 5 mod file and paste it into the game ’ s folder on your computer. More complicate mods may ask you to install extra software, and they normally feature detail instructions on their download pages. You can besides find lots of GTA V mod installation guides on YouTube .
Mods are typically used for computer games, since you have access to all the initiation files. It ’ s more unmanageable to mod GTA 5 on PS4 or Xbox One. In general, it ’ mho best to keep your console table games as they are, and play on a personal computer if you ’ re concern in modding .
once you ’ ve decided to mod, all you need to do is install your mods of choice. And that ’ s it – now you know how to mod GTA 5 .

What are the best GTA 5 mods?

There are a short ton of mods available for GTA 5 on personal computer, many of which can be found at Some provide graphics improvements while others deliver modern character models, vehicles, and weapons .
here ’ s a short list of some of the most popular GTA 5 mods for ocular and gameplay upgrades :

  1. Script Hook V for GTA 5
    Script Hook V international relations and security network ’ t a mod, but it ’ s the joyride that many GTA V mods use to work with the game. After downloading and unzipping the .ZIP file, copy the ScriptHookV.dll file into the lapp folder that holds the GTA5.exe game file. Some mods will auto-install this file for you, but not all of them do — so do it yourself up-front .
  2. GTA 5 Redux
    With photorealistic 4K graphics, GTA 5 Redux is one of the most visually stunning mods out there for GTA 5. The comprehensive mod delivers improved vehicle cover and modify police and NPC behavior, along with its rework upwind effects and other graphic improvements .
  3. GTA V Natural Vision Evolved
    By aiming to bring the extraordinary GTA 5 have close to real life, the GTA V NaturalVision Evolved mod aims to faithfully recreate Los Angeles with better textures, more realistic lighting, and enhanced weather effects. The high-quality mod is presently available entirely as a Patreon subscription .
  4. Complex Control
    If you ’ re into battle royale games like Fortnite or Playerunknown ’ s Battlegrounds, Complex Control is the mod for you. Transforming GTA 5 into a single-player survival game, the mod equips your character with newly abilities ( like teleportation ! ) and gear to help you survive the butcher .
  5. GTA V FoV
    If you like playing GTA 5 in first-person view, but find the field of sight confining, this GTA 5 mod will let you expand what your character can see. GTA V FoV is a must-have for fans of first-person shooters like Call of Duty and Overwatch .
    The GTA V FoV mod expands what your character can see during game play.
  6. LSPD First Response
    Want to see what the world of GTA 5 is like on the early slope of the law ? LSPD First Response lets you try your hand as a badge-bearing, gun-toting member of the Los Santos Police Department. Choose to arrest suspects ( not shoot them ) and call for backing in your bay to make Los Santos a more law-abiding station .
  7. Open All Interiors
    Los Santos is a massive city filled with tons of buildings that you can ’ t figure — unless you install the Open All Interiors GTA 5 mod. With it, many of the previously locked doors will be open, with complete interiors to explore. Duck inside a building to ward off the cops, or wander into a shop that catches your center .

Are mods illegal? Will I get banned?

cosmetic mods like those described above are normally legal to download and use, though many developers disapprove of modding because some players use mods to cheat on-line. You can use as many mods as you like in single-player GTA 5, but Rockstar may ban you if you go on-line with mods. To be wholly safe, disable all mods before playing GTA 5 Online .

Tune up your computer for optimal gaming

The greatest graphic mods and performance tweaks won ’ t be much use if your personal computer international relations and security network ’ t set up to deliver a agio bet on experience. AVG TuneUp ensures that 100 % of your calculator ’ second resources are dedicated to fueling the ultimate gambling session .
Eliminate CPU-hogging bloatware, put background programs to sleep, and deep-clean your tug so that no count the calculator you have, GTA 5 will look and play as buttery smooth as you want it to.

Check out our other gaming guides to Ark : Survival Evolved and Dark Souls 3. then, learn how to overclock your CPU promptly and easily and boost your GPU for better personal computer performance .

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