Remove iPhone 11 Series Non-Genuine Screen Warning

“Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple display” will also show up in the General > About section of the Settings app if a repair shop uses an unverified display component. In this way, Apple intends to force the users replace their screens on Apple Store Only. 

There is a touch module on the display which contains the iPhone 11 Series system data. When we connect to a new replaced display and power on the phone, the touch module data and the iPhone system cannot match. That’s why the warning pop-up on the screen. Take the iPhone 11 for example. We need to replace the touch module to the original

There is a newfangled warning on iPhone 11, ‌iPhone 11‌ Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max if a repair technician ever uses a non-genuine Apple display when repairing a broken device, even the shield is an original one. today, we are going to tell you how to the remove the Important Display message from the iPhone afterreplacement. “ ineffective to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple display ” will besides show up in the General > About section of the Settings app if a compensate shop class uses an unverified expose component. In this way, Apple intends to force the users replace their screens on Apple Store Only.There is a touch faculty on the display which contains the iPhone 11 Series system data. When we connect to a new replaced display and power on the call, the contact module data and the iPhone system can not match. That ’ sulfur why the warn pop-up book on the screen. Take the iPhone 11 for case. We need to replace the touch faculty to the originalLet ’ s take steps on it :
Step 1: Remove the iPhone 11 Display Screen

1. Hold onto your iPhone securely and close the handle of the Suction Cup to slenderly separate the filmdom from the raise case of the phone after heating. Insert your pick into the top-right recess of the phone to separate adhesive material.

2. Unscrew the

3. Remove the logic board cover bracket. Use a spudger to disconnect the LCD panel cable connector and the digitizer connector.

4. Disconnect the

5. Flip the iPhone 11 Ear Speaker assembly over. Heat up the top edge of the display. Pry up the microphone. Remove the ambient light sensor bracket. Loosen the ambient light sensor.

6. Remove the speaker and front sensors. Lift the shield plate and separate the display flex cable.

2. Unscrew theconnector covering and remove the battery connection embrace. Use a spudger or to pry the battery connection up from its socket on the logic board.3. Remove the logic board blanket bracket. Use a spudger to disconnect the LCD panel cable connection and the digitizer connector.4. Disconnect the. Remove the display forum. Unscrew the presence assembly.5. Flip the iPhone 11 Ear Speaker forum over. Heat up the top border of the display. Pry up the microphone. Remove the ambient sparkle detector bracket. Loosen the ambient light sensor.6. Remove the loudspeaker and front sensors. Lift the harbor home plate and separate the display flex cable.

Step 2: Prepare Touch Module

1. Put the new iPhone display on the postpone. Use JC EM02 CNC Grinding Machine to grind the touch module and clear the faculty after it is completed.

2. Clean out the black adhesive from the module with solder flux and solder wick and heat up with SUGON 2020D Hot Air Gun.

3. Tear down the touch faculty from the original expose, use hot air gun to blow and sword tool to pry cautiously .

Step 3: Weld the Original Touch Module

1. Clear out the black adhesive on the module, use solder past to reball the touch module by smearing the solder on the stencil and heating with hot air gun blowing.

2. Applying some

3. Test the new display function, the pop-up non-genuine warning disappear, all the display functions are normal. The whole procedure completed successfully.

1. clear out the black adhesive material on the module, use solder by to reball the contact module by smearing the solder on the stencil and inflame with hot breeze grease-gun blowing.2. Applying someon the module and inflame with hot vent gunman ; Connect the display into the iPhone after the touch faculty is cold down.3. Test the new display function, the pop fly non-genuine admonitory vanish, all the display functions are normal. The whole procedure completed successfully .

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