ScandiTech’s iPhone 7 & 7 Plus Battery Replacement Guide

step 7

Removing the Adhesives and the Battery
( normally regarded as the most challenge mistreat )

The barrage adhesives can be quite a tax to pull out. Below are ways that we recommend to successfully remove the adhesives.

Using the tweezers or the nosy instrument, peel off the pill ( both the blacken and flannel tab key ).

Grab the end of the adhesive ( both the black and the white separate – if only grabbing the black separate, the strip rips easily ) and pull the adhesive down and outwards from the phone, in the steering of the charging port. Before pulling the adhesive material, it helps to heat lightly the back ( out ) side of the back assembly with a heat accelerator or a hair dry.

Do not heat it besides a lot ! If you can not hold and keep your feel on the back assembly, it is besides hot !

If the adhesive tears as you pull it, which is not uncommon, you now need to lever the battery out using the broad yellow nosy tools. This is the less ideal way of removing the barrage. The adhesive material holds the battery much stronger than necessity so solitaire and a slowly but steady hand are key.
Keep in judgment that the battery may combust if it has suffered across-the-board physical price or if it ‘s punctured or pierced. Be extra careful in prying the battery out.

Try to lever the battery from the leave side of the phone using the broad pry instrument. Lever the intrude tool only at the leftover english but just below the book buttons. This process can take up to 5-10 minutes. The battery might only loosen a bantam bit at a time. Be affected role, move slowly and cautiously. If the battery will not come at large from the adhesive material, use a heat gun, a hair dry or a warmly halogen ( LED is not strong adequate ) lamp to lightly heat the back ( outer ) side of the back fabrication. An elevated temperature makes the battery loosen easier from the adhesive material when pry.

Do not heat it besides much ! If you can not hold and keep your feel on the rear assembly, it is excessively hot !

1. Do not lever the battery up from the right hand side where the motherboard is located. By levering against the motherboard there is a significant gamble of damaging components.
2. Do not lever the battery from the top left corner. The bulk key cable runs underneath the battery and it gets well damaged by the tweezers.
3. Do not puncture, damage or badly bend the battery. The battery can combust ( catch on fire ) if it is pierced or sternly bent. If your battery is already damaged or swollen, it is extra medium !.

Use the spudger instrument to open the adhesive material ‘s flaps/tabs. Use the tweezers to wholly open the black and white tabs.

The tab key ( black and white ) should be completely opened. To soften the adhesives, heat the back side of the telephone. Heat entirely from the volume push button towards the bottomland. lightly pull the adhesives. Pull the adhesives towards the side of the call. Pulling along the sides rather of downwards decreases the changes of the adhesive material tear. Continue pulling the adhesives gently. Too much pressure in pulling can tear the adhesive material. The adhesives run the length of the battery. Be patient in pulling the adhesives out .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 9 Set aside or dispose the old adhesives.

Pull out the moment adhesive material gently .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 14 Pull and run the adhesive material towards the side a well .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 15 If the adhesives are tear, use the nosiness creature and gently pry the battery out .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 16 Keep prying the battery forbidden gently to avoid damaging the telephone .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 17 The battery is now wholly removed. You can besides use the spudger tool to pry out the battery.

Be careful when prying out the battery to avoid puncture or bending it besides much. After prying out, the battery may be physically deformed. Keep in mind that it may combust if it gets bent besides much or punctured .iPhone 7/7 Plus Battery Replacement - Removing the adhesives - 18 An expected slightly bent battery after prying .

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