Upgrade a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 – James Has Answers

recently purchase a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 series 2-in-1 laptop and want to learn how to upgrade it ? fortunately, you can easily access and change out the memory and SSD ( adenine well as the wireless local area network menu and battery ) by equitable removing the bottom blanket. Continue on to see the step by step guide on upgrading the SSD and memory :

Remove the bottom cover screws

first gear, start by flipping the laptop over – there are 9 screws in entire you need to unscrew
screw locations of the bottom cover, part of the Upgrade a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 review
Seven are in full removable and two are prisoner, mean, they can be loosened but do not come out ( they ’ re the ones on either side of the hinges ) :
close up of a captive screw on the bottom cover of a dell inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1

Pry off the bottom cover

With the screws removed/loosened, it ’ second time to pry off the bottom cover in order to upgrade the Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 laptop. Dell ’ south servicing manual shows one should start at the back, and I agree – I ’ ve found it ’ south generally easiest to use a pry cock at the hinge :

a photo of using a plastic pry tool being wedged in between the bottom cover and chassis of the Dell 15 7000 2-in-1 laptop
For reference, I like using either an old credit batting order, or these plastic, triangular, guitar-pick-like tools ; they ’ re cheap and have three corners to use before you need to throw them off ( they finally break after using them a few times on stubborn cases ) :
once you have your pry instrument wedged in between the cover and the main chassis, carefully move the creature along the entire margin of the cover while prying it away from the chassis. once all the clips are disengaged, the cover should just lift right off ( there are no cables attached )
showing the bottom cover removed from a dell inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1

Disconnect the battery

With the bottom cover removed, you now have access to everything you can easily upgrade :

you ’ ll want to first disconnect the barrage for base hit reasons. Start by removing the nibble of tape covering the connection ( if present ) :

then, use your finger nails ( or a pry tool/screw driver/etc ) and push/pull the battery cable out of it ’ s white connection ; it ’ s best to work against the formative of the battery cable plug and not tug directly on the wires :

When the barrage is unplug, go ahead and place the record back on top of the connection to prevent any of the cable ’ south metallic contacts from touching the connection by accident

Upgrade the memory

With the battery unplugged, let ’ s start with upgrading the two memory sticks which can be found behind these two fictile flaps :

If you good have one stick, you ’ ll want to deal with the DIMM1 slot only. For either memory slot, pull rear the plastic brood and press the metal clips away from the memory card on either side :

once the clips are pressed away, the memory will be informal and will likely pop up a bit ; simply pull it straight out, aside from the connection ( not straight “ up ”, as in plumb line from the motherboard ) :

You can now put in whatever memory perplex you have to replace it with and press it down back into the clips .

Upgrade the SSD

To remove the SSD, start out by removing the two screws holding in the metallic SSD cover and SSD itself. Note that the sleep together nearest the front of the laptop ( furthest from the battery ) may not easily be removed, mean, you may get it removed from the screw post but it could still be “ lodge ” in the cover. This is fine, it ’ ll likely untie and fall out one you start wiggling the traverse free :

With the screws removed, note that there may be two sticky thermal pads that hold it the cover to the SSD – they may or may not come off very easily, but they do come off. If they come off easily, you should be able to easily equitable slide the cover off the drive :

With the cover off ( or with it still attached to the SSD ), you should be able to plainly pull the SSD out of it ’ s connection. For reference, hera ’ s what the thermal pads look like :

note that when you put the SSD and SSD cover back in, the SSD does not fit inside what looks to be a time where one of the screws go on the cover charge. alternatively, it the embrace sits on peak of the SSD like this :

Simply insert the SSD second in it ’ s slot and screw back in the two SSD cover screw. That ’ s it ! You ’ ve upgraded the SSD and memory. Pop back on the bed traverse, tighten the two captive screws, and put back and screw in the seven other screws, and you ’ re done .

Wrap Up

fortunately, it ’ s relatively easy to upgrade a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 laptop ; all you need to do is remove seven screws, and untie two others, that hold the bottomland cover, then pry off that cover. With that removed, you ’ ll have easy access to the SSD and both memory slots, deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as the wireless local area network batting order and battery ( should you want to replace those as well ) .

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