NVIDIA Shield Remote Not Working? Here’s How To Fix It!

If your NVIDIA Shield distant stopped working, it can be a clamber to get it working again. I ’ ve been using the NVIDIA Shield since 2015, through all three versions, and it ’ randomness happened to me on every unit. normally, it ’ s a plainly localization that only takes a few seconds, but it can be truly torment when all you want to do is watch a movie. I keep the NVIDIA Shield remote app on my call for good such an emergency. But finally, you ’ ll need to get your physical outback working again. In this article, we ’ re going to cover how to remove and re-pair your NVIDIA Shield remote control, and how to reset the Bluetooth settings. That way, you can promptly get back to your movie.

Let ’ s catch started. A great manner to help trouble-shoot accessories on your NVIDIA Shield television receiver is to always have another accessory connected as a stand-in. This can be a universal distant, game control, or even a radio mouse or HTPC keyboard.

Most of the steps outlined below will require you to be able to navigate the arrangement menu. So it pays to have a accompaniment quick .


How to Remove an NVIDIA Shield Remote

Everything we ’ re going to do today will be found in the Settings menu. If you ’ ve never been to the NVIDIA Shield TV Settings Menu before, you can get there by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the family screen .

1. Open the Shield TV Settings Menu.

2. Scroll down to the Remotes & Accessories heading.

3. Click on SHIELD Accessories.

NVIDIA separates the accessories you ’ ve connected to your Shield television receiver into two categories : official Shield accessories and generic Bluetooth accessories. If you ’ ve besides connected a radio receiver device through a USB recipient, they won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate show up on this number at all, even if they ’ ra connected and functioning by rights. For exemplar, on my 2017 Shield television, pictured here, I have a 2019 Shield Remote, an XBOX wireless gamepad and a Logitech wireless keyboard when I want to enter passwords or browse the Internet. For more on why I went with the Xbox radio gamepad, check out my Shield television gamepad recommendations hera. In this example, we ’ ra going to focus on my 2019 Shield Remote. We ’ ll find that under the SHIELD Accessories section .

4. Select your Shield Remote from the list.

here you ’ ll find a tilt of all the official NVIDIA Shield accessories ( both remotes and plot controllers ) that are paired to this device. This screen is always the first place I look to troubleshoot my outback control because it gives a promptly snapshot of the battery level for each device. even though the Shield gives you a warning message when the battery charge gets critical, there have been a few times when I ’ ve dismissed the message and forgotten that it was getting low. If the status bar on your battery shows critical, then start by replacing the batteries on your NVIDIA Shield remote. Often, that fixes any connectivity problems you’re having without needing to go to another step. Assuming that ’ s not the issue, click on your remote control to get to it ’ s detail page .

5. Select Forget Accessory.

If the battery international relations and security network ’ t the issue, the easiest manner to solve most problems is to re-pair the outback control. IT departments have been troubleshooting computer issues in this way for years, and it ’ s worked out reasonably well. Most official NVIDIA Shield remotes and controllers will mechanically pair with a Shield television a soon as they sense one nearby. That ’ s a great feature that helps make this process easier .

6. Confirm by clicking OK.

Your Shield television receiver gives you one last probability to back out of this work. Click OK to continue. In many cases, your NVIDIA Shield remote will re-pair itself mechanically after a few seconds. That makes this the quickest fix to get your Shield television receiver distant working again. If that doesn ’ t happen, or if you have more than one Shield television in the house, you may need to manually pair the distant control. We ’ ll cover that in the adjacent section .

How to Pair NVIDIA Shield Remote

If your Shield television receiver outback didn ’ thymine pair mechanically, you may need to give it a small serve. There are two methods to use, but for official NVIDIA Shield accessories, the most common method is the automatic pistol match we ’ ll report below .

1. Select Remotes & Accessories from the Settings Menu

Re-pairing your NVIDIA Shield distant is done on the same menu as un-pairing it. To start, click on the Settings menu and scroll down to the Remotes & Accessories section .

2. Click SHIELD Accessories.

In this model, we ’ rhenium going to be pairing an official Shield TV distant, so pawl on the SHIELD Accessories section .

3. Click Pair an Accessory.

In some cases, your NVIDIA Shield remote will start pairing angstrom soon as you get to this section. If that doesn ’ metric ton happen after a few seconds, chatter Pair an Accessory to continue .

4. Put your NVIDIA Shield TV into Pairing Mode.

For this following section, place your Shield remote control around 12 inches off from your Shield television. If your Shield television distant is besides paired with another Shield television receiver, press down on the Back button and the OK button at the same time. The Back button is the one that looks like a triangle, while the OK push button is the inner lap towards the circus tent of the outside. If your Shield television distant has not been paired with any other device, simply hold down the OK button ( the inner circle near the lead of the remote control ).

After a few seconds, the button on the distant will start to flash, signifying that it ’ south in pairing mode .

5. Look for the “SHIELD remote detected” message on screen.

After a few seconds, you should see a message onscreen letting you know that the distant has been detected. ampere soon as you do, you can release the buttons .

6. The Shield TV remote should appear in the list of Paired Accessories.

After a few seconds, you ’ ll see another message saying Shield Remote Connected, and the distant will appear in the tilt of Paired Accessories .

How to Reset NVIDIA Shield’s Bluetooth Settings

If your NVIDIA Shield remote hush international relations and security network ’ t working after removing and re-pairing it, the problem might not be in the outback. It could be in your Shield television ’ s Bluetooth settings. In this incision we ’ rhenium going to cover how to manually reset the Bluetooth settings on your device .

1. Click on the Apps section of the Settings menu.

2. Click to See All Apps.

3. Click to Show System Apps

alternatively of looking at the Bluetooth settings section, we ’ re going to be looking at the app itself. Like most of the critical Android components, this is found under the System Apps drift .

4. Click on Bluetooth.

Scroll down until you see the Bluetooth app. As you can see below, there may be multiple apps for different Bluetooth services. here, we ’ rhenium looking for the main Bluetooth app. You know it ’ s the right one when you see the official blue Bluetooth icon next to it. Click on it to continue .

5. Force Stop the Bluetooth App

We ’ ra going to perform three separate steps on this screen. First, we ’ ra going to Force Stop the app. occasionally an Android app will “ bent ” and stop respond. This kind of thins happens much with Windows PC ’ mho, and it ’ s a exchangeable process to fix it. basically, you need to force-close the app and restart it. After you click Force Stop, you ’ ll be asked to confirm on a separate screen. Click OK to continue. This stops Bluetooth for all connected devices and takes you bet on to the previous screen .

6. Clear Cache.

The adjacent footprint is to clear out the app ’ randomness hoard. The cache holds all of the data that the app uses most. sometimes recent data causes a conflict in the app, so it ’ s a good idea to clear it out if you ’ rhenium having problems. Click Clear Cache to continue. adenine soon as you click clear Cache, you ’ ll be asked to confirm your decisiveness. Click OK to continue .

7. Clear Data.

finally, we ’ rhenium going to clear the app data itself. This basically resets the app back to the default option settings found in the firmware. Click on Clear Data. As with the former steps, you ’ re asked to confirm your decision. Click OK to continue.

8. Restart your NVIDIA Shield TV

ultimately, restart your NVIDIA Shield. If you ’ re using the control that came with your device, it should work mechanically once you get back to the home screen. If you ’ re using a substitution outside dominance, you may need to manually pair the outback to your NVIDIA Shield using the steps I outlined in the former section.


Troubleshooting your NVIDIA Shield remote or gamepad doesn ’ triiodothyronine have to be unmanageable. Most problems can normally be solved with a few bare steps outlined above. In most cases, plainly removing and re-pairing your NVIDIA Shield distant is adequate to get it working again. If that doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate do the antic, restarting the Shield ’ s Bluetooth app and rebooting normally does. If you still can’t get your remote to work, the only solution may be to look for a replacement. Find out our picks for the best NVIDIA Shield TV replacement remotes in this article!

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