The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time: Complete Switch Controls Guide and Tips

Nintendo hit the nostalgia buttons when they announced the Expansion Pass for Switch Online, another subscription that allows you to play a library of Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis games. possibly the most anticipate of all the games in the N64 throng, The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time retains its broken graphics and gameplay from 23 years ago. Below you will find the arrant controls for Switch/Switch Lite and the N64 restrainer accessory should you own it. Proceeding that will be a few tips to help you early in the game to give you some advantages as you move fore.

eminence that the left and right analogue sticks on the Switch & Switch Lite are denoted as LS and RS while the directional pad is denoted as D-Pad .

Ocarina of Time Nintendo Switch Controls 

  • Move: LS 
  • Jump: Run toward ledge (automatically jumps) 
  • Interact: A (talk, open doors, lift objects, etc.) 
  • Roll: A (while running) 
  • Z-Target: ZL 
  • Attack: B 
  • Jump Attack: A (while Z-Targeting enemy) 
  • Use Accessory Items: RS→, RS↓, RS← (N64 C-buttons) 
  • Block: R (requires shield) 
  • Roll: R + A & L (in direction of desired roll) 
  • Start Menu: 

Ocarina of Time N64 Controller Controls 

  • Move: Joystick 
  • Jump: Run toward ledge (automatically jumps) 
  • Interact: A (talk, open doors, lift objects, etc.) 
  • Roll: A (while running) 
  • Z-Target: 
  • Attack: B 
  • Jump Attack: A (while Z-Targeting enemy) 
  • Use Accessory Items: C→, C↓, C←  
  • Aim: L (when using Slingshot, Bow, etc.) 
  • Block: R (requires shield) 
  • Roll: R + A & L (in direction of desired roll) 
  • Start Menu: Start 

To save, from the Start menu, hit B and then select “ Yes. ” You can save at any point.

Tips for early successful gameplay in Ocarina of Time 

If you are jumping back in for the beginning time in a retentive time or this is your first gear time playing the classic 64 style, read these tips before jumping in to make your early hours fleet and smooth .

Keep Link fully equipped whenever possible 

As you start the game, Link has no items. however, you can quickly gain the Deku Shield and Kokiri Sword – both needed to progress the fib – to give Link both offense and defense. The Deku Shield costs 40 rupees at the Kokiri Shop, while the Kokiri Sword is found in a short alcove in Kokiri Village.
beyond that, you can besides purchase Deku Nuts, Deku Seeds, and Deku Sticks at the Kokiri Shop. It is advisable to wait a small while as a certain promote will in full equip you with Deku Sticks and the first dungeon is where you will receive Deku Seeds. To equip Link ’ s independent items, from the Pause menu, scroll to the “ Equipment ” screen and equip an detail by hitting A after highlighting the item. To equip an accessory to a C-button slot on the Switch/Switch Lite, from the Start menu, use R or ZL to reach the accessory page. Highlight the detail ( Fairy Slingshot, Deku Stick, etc. ) and move R right, left, or down to set the item to that button. With Link, hit R in the direction of the set item once to ready it, then again as many times as needed to use the token.
By keeping Link in full equipped, you are prepare for any position and can cursorily switch between needed items. peculiarly when there are time-release mechanisms, having your items set can be the deviation between frustration and success.

Find and prioritize upgrades 

Upgrades are critical to your success in Ocarina of Time, increasing your capacity for certain items. You can find and obtain two immediate upgrades early in the game that will increase the maximal number of Deku Sticks and ammo you can carry. Sign up for exclusive deals!
Get single deals, latest guides & news in your inbox. To find the Deku Stick upgrade, first ensure that you have 40 extra rupees. You can find nepalese rupee around Kokiri Village by smashing rocks, slicing bushes, and finding chests/jars in certain houses. second, buy and equip the Deku Shield. Head to Kokiri Forest at the upper-most level of the greenwich village. Take the leave burrow, bypassing the Skull Kid, and take the next left tunnel. Either jump or climb down the ladder and lead to the back of the area. Use your shield to deflect the acorn binding to the enemy and talk to him. In return for his life sentence ( diseased ), he will upgrade your Deku Stick capacity from ten to 20, all for the price of 40 rupees. After you leave the greenwich village – with the Fairy Slingshot in tow – and head to Hyrule Castle, you can participate in the Shooting Gallery ’ mho challenge for 20 rupees each time. If you can shoot all the rupees with your slingshot in one game, your ammunition will be increased from 30 to 40. If you miss up to two rupees, you can try again for free. differently, you will need to pay 20 rupees to retry. specially with lone 99 rupees as your soap capacity early in the game, you can quickly find yourself low on rupees if ineffective to complete the challenge cursorily. The challenge does seem more difficult using the sticks on Switch Lite, so it may take some time if you are using the hand-held interpretation. With the possibility that you will need to try multiple times, you will need a dependable place to harvest rupees…

The warehouse in Hyrule is your rupee destination! 

once you pass the drawbridge into Hyrule Castle, immediately enter the build up to your right. Inside, you will find a overplus of jars to throw and slice, plus some boxes to roll into and break. There are three pots on top of the dividers a well. With each run, you can expect around 30 rupees to be added to your armory. Once you are done raiding the warehouse, merely die and re-enter for the jars and boxes to have been replenished ( and fixed ). While maxing out at 99 happens cursorily, you can still come hera when your capacity increases ( more on this late ) to recoup your spend rupees.

Engage in best practices while completing dungeons 

It may be tempting to blitz through a keep and head straightaway for the emboss. Ocarina of Time is ill-famed in that for many dungeons, a straightforward access good is not possible. As such, search every corner and crevice in every keep. Always, always, always obtain the map and compass ! The map will not only tell you how many levels each dungeon contains and which ones you have already explored, but adding the grok will reveal the placement of all chest and keys yet to be collected. many dungeons will include time sections where you step on or push a lever that results in platforms appearing or something similar. You may want to take the inaugural curl to just count how many seconds the cycle lasts, planning your moves accordingly. If you see a pillar with a alight flame, it is highly probably that using the flam is samara to advancing through the keep. Look around for flammable portions and/or other pillars to be lit. Simply ready a Deku Stick, run with it by the flame, and then use that flame to light or burn what is necessity – you may even need to roll with a literature Deku Stick to burn away certain obstacles. You may besides need to shoot sealed switches with the Slingshot or Bow to advance, so remember to look up vitamin a well as to your left and right.

Seek out heart containers to increase your maximum health 

A raw material in The Legend of Zelda series, heart containers and center pieces are your path to increasing your health ( heart meter ). You begin the game with three full hearts. Most enemies take half a kernel with a successful attack, though others can take a quarter to a whole heart or more. Each dungeon boss will reward you with a full heart container, increasing your health by a full center. Beyond the storyline-needed Spiritual Stones, being able to increase your health by one full legal profession makes each subsequent emboss battle a little easier merely in terms of being able to absorb more wrong. Throughout your journeys, you will come across smaller pieces of center, identifiable by their smaller size and the inner lone being filled enough for a humble heart preferably than full like a center container. It will take four pieces of heart to equal one affection container sol while it will be an arduous undertaking, it is well worth the enterprise .

Find, kill, and collect Gold Skulltula tokens 

A unique enemy in that it can not be Z-Targeted nor does it in truth do a lot of anything, the Gold Skulltula ’ s actually have a unique backstory and are key to expanding your mauritian rupee capability. You will first come across a Gold Skulltula in the initial dungeon inside the Great Deku Tree. They equitable rotate in their designate spot, but are normally in hidden areas. They besides make a unique sound that might make your skin crawl, indicating that one is near. Kill it and then collect the Gold Skulltula token it leaves as a reward. Later in the game, you will need to use the boomerang or hookshot to retrieve unapproachable tokens. While the fib behind the Gold Skulltula ’ mho will not be spoiled hera, collecting them unlocks certain rewards. Regarding rupees, collecting ten will give you the Adult ’ south Wallet, increasing your seychelles rupee capacity to 200, and 30 will give you the Giant ’ mho Wallet, giving you the soap 500 pakistani rupee specify. You will have to turn in the tokens to collect the rewards, then keep an eye for when and where this is possible. other rewards include a heart container and upgrade to bomb capacity, among others. initially, you will find three within the Great Deku Tree and one in the back of the warehouse found by destroying a box. There you have it, all the tips necessary to have an comfortable start to the game. Stay tuned for more from Outsider Gaming on the N64 releases on the Switch Expansion Pass !

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