Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge moisture in charger port warning Fix – BlogTechTips

If you have owned your Samsung Galaxy S7 for some clock time now you may have or you are presently encountering the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge moisture in charger port warning problem. The problem is not with the warn but in some cases some users are unable to get rid of the message and once you have the notification your call will not charge until the problem is fixed.So you see how this can be a trouble although this feature is for your own condom. Regardless let me show you how to fix the issue when the message persists and habit go away .

The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge moisture in charger port warning

The warn reads as follows :

Check Port Moisture has been detected.To charge your device make certain your charger/USB port is dry.

What does the error mean?

As the error reads the call has disabled charging for your condom as it has detected moisture in the appoint port. The earphone will not charge a long as the USB charge port is moisture or contains moisture and you will need to fix the problem before the phone can charge again.If you plug-in a charger the message will appear again and the earphone will not charge .

How to fix the Issue?

The first matter you will need to do is to do as the message advises. You should dry or blow dry the charge port of your telephone, moisture may have entered the interface from sweaty palms, blowing into the port or it was submerged in water, rain or it simply got moisture somehow. besides check your USB charger to make sure it ’ s not wet. Try the trace :

1.Get a Q-Tip or while of cotton and dry your USB bang port out. You can besides use a coke dry or heat artillery set at first gear temperatures to dry away any remainder moisture.The like can besides be done to your USB charger cable in casing its wet .
2.If the message persists even after all the moisture is removed do the following. Go to settings, applications, Application director. In the amphetamine right of the blind click the more button and show system Apps.

following scroll through the apps number and front for : USB settings and wiretap on it. now go to storage and click on the choice that says clear cache and besides clear data .
When you are finished go ahead and plug-in your phone. This time you will not get the message and your phone will charge as normal .


I want to thank Barrie for discovering this workaround that I am certain will help out a few of you guys. therefore if your device is still giving the warning no matter what you do then get a Wireless charger or Wireless charging base and place your device on it. It should charge merely very well from now on. You will be able to use your device again and credibly finally figure out whats going on .
Problem distillery not fixed ? read the be article that was written for another device but inactive applies to this one. The tips found there should help you fix your problem .

Final Thoughts

Guys make certain your call is dry before attempting the tips above. The last thing you want is to clear the warn message and charge your telephone while its besotted as it can cause wrong to the device or you so be careful. As common guy I need your input so share your experience below or ask a question. besides do remember to parcel this article with a ally on social media.


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