
Sheep are common passive voice mob that add wool and mouton and are found in many of the grassy biomes .




The majority of sheep are whiten, with an 81.836 % gamble of spawning. The light grey, grey and black sheep each have a 5 % gamble of spawning, or a 15 % find jointly. Brown sheep have an uncommon 3 % find to spawn. Pink sheep have a rare prospect ( 0.164 % ) of spawning naturally. 5 % of all sheep spawn as babies .
If a sheep spawner is placed via /setblock, the sheep model spinning inside appears with one of the six naturally spawning colors. independently from the display color, all six variants are able to spawn, the usual chances put on. To guarantee that sheep constantly spawn with the hope discolor, extra NBT tags can be applied to the spawner, utilizing the Color tag .

natural generation



2 to 3 sheep engender during the worldly concern generation on grass blocks at the surface at a light level of 7 or higher with at least a 2 block space above, except in deserts, white plains, internal-combustion engine spikes, snow-white slopes, wooded badlands, jagged peaks, freeze peaks and rocky peaks biomes. They late spawn individually on grassy biomes. 5 % engender as lamb.

Reading: Sheep

2 sheep may spawn in shepherd houses, butcher houses, and animal pens in villages .




Wool Colors.png An adult sheep drops :

  • 1


    of the corresponding color. Sheep that have not regrown their wool do not drop wool.

  • 1–2

    raw mutton


    cooked mutton

    if killed while on fire or when in water using a sword with fire aspect). The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 1–5 with Looting III.

  • 1–3 if killed by a player or tamed wolf.

When sheared, sheep give 1–3 wool and do not take any wrong. A shear sheep regrows its wool after eating from a grass stuff. Upon successful breeding, 1–7 is dropped. Killing a baby sheep yields no items nor experience .




sheep wander aimlessly, typically in small flocks of 2-4. Despite this, lone sheep are inactive common. sheep invalidate cliffs and hazardous areas if it warrants damage. sheep emit gruff bleats in by and large random patterns, but particularly when attacked. If harmed, sheep flee for a few seconds, but make no particular try to avoid wolves. sheep are by and large aloof to other throng and are not very wary of wolves. Sheep follow a player holding pale yellow within 6 blocks but stop following the player when out of this radius. Adult sheep can not fit through a gap if the 90-degree intersection of two fences is removed whereas the player ( and most other gang ) can get through easily .




sheep corrode eatage blocks, changing them into crap blocks. They can besides eat the grass and fern‌ [ BE only ] on a block, making it disappear. Baby sheep appear to eat grass much more frequently than adults. Sheep can eat supergrass through blocks that are less than a full obstruct thick, including extremities such as honey blocks, equally well as from inside minecarts. When a fleece sheep eats a grass block, grass or fern, its wool grows back. consequently, if no grass is available, a sheep can not regrow its wool after being sheared. If an adult sheep has the opportunity, the casual of eating grass is 1⁄1000 per game tick ( 1⁄50 for lamb ). If /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false, supergrass blocks remain, but the sheep still regrow their wool. [ 1 ]




Sheep ‘s wool can be dyed by pressing the function samara or the interact button while holding any dye. sheared sheep can not be dyed until their wool grows back after eating a grass block. Dyeing changes the color of the sheep ‘s wool permanently or until the sheep is dyed again. The new wool color can be inherited by lambs. (See § Breeding) If a sheep is dyed and then sheared, it retains its newly dyed wool discolor after the wool regrows. The wool patches that are seen on a sheared sheep constantly appear white regardless of their actual color.‌ [ JE only ]

Evoker “ wololo ” easter egg



An evoker can besides change a sheep ‘s wool color if the evoker is n’t engaged in battle and /gamerule mobGriefing is set to true. then it can change the wool color of any blue sheep within 16 blocks to red. It signals the while by producing orange color particles ( ) and making a “ wololo ” heavy. This is a reference to the priest whole of the 1997 game Age of Empires .

jeb_ sheep easter testis



If a sheep is named jeb_, its wool cycles with interpolation through all dye colors in a like manner to prismarine. This is strictly a ocular consequence ; any wool obtained from a “ jeb_ ” sheep has the like coloring material as the sheep before it was renamed .




sheep can be bred using pale yellow, after which they spawn a lamb. They can not breed for about 5 minutes after the baby sheep appears. If the parents have compatible wool colors ( meaning that the corresponding dye items could be combined into a third gear dye color ), the resulting lamb inherits a desegregate of their colors ( for example, blasphemous sheep + blank sheep = light blue baby sheep ). otherwise, the baby sheep spawns with the same color as one of the parents, chosen randomly, careless of whether one or both parents have been sheared. The 20-minute growth of baby sheep can be slenderly accelerated using wheat. Each use takes 10 % off the remaining time to grow up. It can besides accelerate its own growth by eating grass .




Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
distance Sheep baahs Friendly Creatures Plays randomly. entity.sheep.ambient subtitles.entity.sheep.ambient ? ? 16 Sheep dies Friendly Creatures Plays when it dies. entity.sheep.death subtitles.entity.sheep.death ? ? 16 Sheep hurts Friendly Creatures Plays when it takes damage. entity.sheep.hurt subtitles.entity.sheep.hurt ? ? 16 Shears click Players Plays when a player shears its wool off. entity.sheep.shear subtitles.item.shear ? ? 16

Footsteps Friendly Creatures Plays when it walks. entity.sheep.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps ? ? 16 Dye stains Friendly Creatures Using dye on the sheep item.dye.use subtitles.item.dye.use ? ? 16

Data values






Java Edition :

Name Resource location Translation key
Sheep sheep entity.minecraft.sheep

Bedrock edition :

Name Resource location Numeric ID Translation key
Sheep sheep 13

Entity data



sheep have entity data associated with them that contain assorted properties. Bedrock edition :
Java Edition :

  • Entity data

    • Additional fields for mobs that can breed
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    • color: The color of the sheep. Default is 0.

    • Sheared: 1 or 0 (true/false) – true if the sheep has been shorn.

Sheep tinge

main article : Sheep/DV edit]




Main Article: Achievements

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
Rainbow Collection Gather all 16 colors of wool. All the colors of wool do not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must have been picked up by the player at least once. 30G Silver







Realms Plus Icon.pngThis section would benefit from the addition of isometric renders. 

The specific instructions are:

  • History of jeb lambs.
  • Jeb sheep for 17w06a and Pocket 1.1.0 Alpha

Please remove this notice once you ‘ve added desirable isometric renders to the article .




Issues relating to “ Sheep ” are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there .




Bedrock Edition



official artwork






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