Microsoft compares Surface Laptop 4 to MacBook Air in new ad | AppleInsider

AppleInsider is supported by its hearing and may earn mission as an Amazon Associate and affiliate collaborator on qualifying purchases. These affiliate partnerships do not influence our editorial contentedness. Microsoft has launched another ad featuring actors “ reviewing ” the Microsoft Surface Laptop 4, this clock seizing the opportunity to take shots at the MacBook Air. The Microsoft ad follows up on one the company released in January, comparing the Surface Pro 7 to the MacBook Pro. The new ad includes two young actors who say they ‘re siblings, presenting the 30-second “ inspection ” in a vogue evocative of YouTube influencers.

Like the first ad, the new spot touches on well-trodden talking points about why the Microsoft ecosystem is purportedly superior to Apple ‘s. These include a mention to touchscreens. After mentioning the Surface ‘s touch capabilities, the sister asks, “ Is the MacBook Air touch screen ? ” “ Mmmmm, ” the brother responds negatively, with a disappoint look on his face. “ How can you not have a touch screen ? ” Apple has then far kept the Mac clear-cut from its touch screen mobile devices like the iPad Pro. While the iPhone manufacturer has filed patents that include mentions of touch screen laptops, Apple executives have repeatedly dismissed the possibility, insisting that pro users care more about performance and storage. The Microsoft ad besides takes a excavate at Apple ‘s supposed port disadvantages and the dongles that can stem from that. “ Surface Laptop has a USB-C and a USB-A. MacBook Air does n’t have that. ” “ Better bring your dongle, ” replies the other actor in an overdo monotone, wiggling an arranger like it ‘s a besotted attic. The Surface Laptop has one USB-C and one USB-A larboard. The MacBook Air has two Thunderbolt 4/USB 4 ports, which are backward compatible with USB-C. While Apple ‘s apparatus requires adapters for USB-A accessories, its ports offer significantly faster utmost transfer rates .Microsoft dinged Apple for not supporting USB-A directly

The ad ‘s concluding perplex does n’t mention Apple explicitly, although it highlights one of the Mac ‘s undisputed unaccented points — bet on. however, it does so in a potentially deceptive room. “ Surface Laptop runs Windows, ” the actor says. “ So I can run all my darling apps. ” “ And games, ” chimes in the other. It then cuts to the two siblings playing games on the Surface Laptop using Xbox controllers. The Surface Laptop 4 uses integrated Intel graphics, which wo n’t support AAA games that require a dedicate graphics menu. Since the laptop does n’t have Thunderbolt 4, it ‘s doubtful that its USB ports could support fast enough speeds for an external GPU. The types of casual games one could play on the Surface Laptop 4 are n’t on equality with the big-name titles one would buy a dedicate gambling personal computer to play. If Microsoft ‘s ad copywriters were hoping to make a connection between Windows ‘ bet on art and the Surface Laptop, it ‘s a mislead one.

Read more: Dead Orbit

Apple ‘s latest MacBook Air launched in November. It adds the M1 bit, the first Apple Silicon for Macs. The processor will besides might the 2021 11-inch iPad Pro and 12.9-inch iPad Pro when they launch in May. Microsoft launched the Surface Laptop 4 earlier in April .

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