Why Are Graphics Cards So Expensive Right Now?

You ‘ve probably noticed how expensive graphics cards are right nowadays. But why ? here are the reasons for the high prices. It is hard to get your hands on a new graphics calling card at the moment. Whether you are looking for a next-gen circuit board or an older one, all of the cards that come into breed recently have inflated prices and express handiness .
In a nutshell, the stream demand for graphics cards greatly outweighs the provision. How did this happen ? Why ca n’t the supply keep up with demand ?
In this article, we look at the reasons why graphics cards are so expensive right now. Some of which you ‘ll credibly already be aware of, but others which may be news to you.

The Global Chip Shortage

We are presently in the midst of a ball-shaped chip deficit that could continue into the unforeseeable future. Semi-conductor chips are used in everything from computers to airplanes, so manufacturers from all around the universe have had scale back or limit their production due to the dearth .
Related : Why Is There a Global Chip Shortage and When Will It End ?
This impacts not alone graphics cards, but other electronics as well, including laptops, phones, and video game consoles .
intel chip

Image Credit: Pavel Churiumov/Unsplash

The COVID-19 Pandemic

due to COVID-19, an increase count of people are working remotely or staying home arsenic much as possible. This has resulted in an increased demand for personal electronics .
MAKEUSEOF VIDEO OF THE DAY Whether it is for work or for entertainment, lots of people are looking to buy electronic devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets. This has drastically increased the demand for graphics cards .
remote work setup

Image Credit: Gabriel Benois /Unsplash
Another effect of COVID-19 is broken provide chains. several towns and cities have implemented lockdown procedures which limit the come of imports and exports that come through their area. This has resulted in suppliers canceling some of their ordinary transport routes to avoid supplying towns or cities that are no longer buying their goods .
Graphics cards are likely to be considered a luxury good compared to other more essential goods like food or body of water. Therefore, local governments looking to limit their imports will probably start by limiting shipments of graphics cards or other alike items before anything else .

shipment boxes

Image Credit: Mak/Unsplash
When your town or city no long has graphics cards shipped in to your local stores, you are forced to look elsewhere if you wish to purchase one .
This results in people looking to outside markets for the goods they desire. People turn to online retailers or retailers from another major city when they can no long buy locally. This foster crowd markets which other people are turning to arsenic well .

US Tariffs on Imports

During the Trump Administration, new tariffs were administered on imports from oversea, including a duty that imposed a 25 percentage tax on graphics cards imported from China. This extra cost is passed along to US consumers through increased prices .

ship with sea containers

Image Credit: Macau Photo Agency/Unsplash
The Biden Administration has not declared any plans to reverse Trump ‘s tariffs on China so far. They have only stated that they intend to re-evaluate their stream barter agreements before moving forward with any new strategies .

Cryptocurrency Miners

Crypto miners love a good graphics card. They buy cards for their crypto mining rigs, which are calculator systems used for mine bitcoins. Crypto miners much have high requirements for what kind of graphics cards they use in their rigs ; the faster the menu, the fast they can mine, so higher-end cards are more desirable .
Crypto miners have entered the high-end graphics card marketplace and show no intention of leaving anytime soon .

bitcoin mining

Image Credit: André François McKenzie/Unsplash
One concern requirement for crypto mining is at least 4GB of video RAM. Video RAM ( or VRAM ) is the sum of random access memory included on your graphics card. Crypto miners need to use cards with at least 4GB of video RAM in regulate to mine effectively, with many preferring 6-8GB for longevity and operation reasons. One effect this has had on the marketplace is now cards with more than 4GB of video RAM have become even rarer .
NVIDIA recently announced that it would restrict crypto mining on its raw cards .

Scalpers Selling Hardware on for Profit

Crypto miners are n’t the only ones crowding the graphics card market ; scalpers have entered the marketplace looking for monetary acquire as well, although they employ different tactics to meet their ends. Scalpers resell goods for a promptly ( and normally big ) net income. Graphics cards are presently desirable products for scalpers because they can be resold at a gamey prices to desperate consumers.

Scalpers aggressively buy up whatever graphics cards come into stock and resell them to desperate or ignorant customers at dramatically hyperbolic prices. sometimes scalpers obtain their stock through questionable means, however in many parts of the worldly concern scalp is inactive a legal practice. In the US, there are no federal laws prohibiting scalp, although a few states have implemented laws which discourage the practice .

Improved Cards Lead to Higher Prices

Next-gen cards use improved materials and remastered designs. broadly speaking, they are harder to manufacture than the ones from the previous generation. This results in higher manufacture costs .
Manufacturers can entirely manufacture what they can afford, therefore when faced with increase manufacture costs, manufacturers must get creative about how to maximize their end product without compromising the quality or the measure of their product .

nvidia rtx 2080

Image Credit: Nana Dua/Unsplash
Next-gen cards from NVIDIA and AMD are pushing the boundaries of computer graphics in a large direction. These cards are making a boastful leap in GPU history because they are designed to output high-quality graphics at historically large resolutions like 4K. The jump from 1080p resolution to 4K resolution is quite a big one, so the future generation of graphics cards are ramping up in a adult way .

Graphics Cards: To Buy or Not to Buy?

It is hard to find a reasonably priced graphics batting order veracious now if you are in the market for one. The crypto miners have snatched up most of the high-end cards with 4GB or more of television RAM, and the scalpers continue to snag any high-end cards that come into livestock. Along with the global chip dearth and the pandemic, there just are n’t enough of these things to go around .
If you are very well with settling for an older graphics card with 4GB or less of VRAM, then you will have some options to choose from. But otherwise, you may have to get creative or plainly wait this dearth out .

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About The Author

Michael Harman
( 16 Articles Published )

Michael is a writer and a programmer. He enjoys coding games about adenine a lot as he enjoys playing them. Over time, his love for games grew into a sexual love for all things tech.

From Michael Harman

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