Download Windows 10 Creators Update RTM Build 15063 ISO Images

Windows 10 Build 15063 has been confirmed as the concluding translation of Windows 10 Creators Update. It is available for phones on the Fast ring, PCs on Fast and Slow rings, and Xbox One consoles on Alpha, Beta, and Preview Ring. Earlier, the ship’s company released the full set of speech packs ( MUI ) for Windows 10 construct 15063. here you can get the official ISO images made by Microsoft to install this build from scratch. Download Windows 10 Creators Update RTM Build 15063 ISO Images

ad To get the official ISO images, you need to do the follow. To download them WITHOUT USING Media Creation Tool, refer to the article : Download Official Windows 10 ISO Images Directly Without Media Tool Download the latest version of Windows 10 Media Creation Tool from here Download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool I suggest you to use the most late version to avoid issues with download of ISO files. As of this writing, it is 10.0.15063.0. You can right click the file you have and go to Properties – Details to see which adaptation you have. Media Creation Tool Properties Run the apps and accept the license agreement to proceed adjacent. Media Creation Tool License once you see the page “ What do you want to do ? “, tick the option Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC as shown in the screenshot below.
Media Creation Tool Create ISO Option The following page, “ Select language, architecture, and edition ”, will allow you to choose your language, edition and machine architecture of Windows 10. Media Creation Tool will fill these values from your current operational system, so check them cautiously before you proceed. If something does n’t match your preferences, untick the choice “ Use the recommended options ” and change values in the devolve down boxes. Media Creation Tool Create ISO Options Media Creation Tool Change Locale Options finally, on the page “ Choose which media to use ”, pick the option “ ISO file ” and click the following clitoris.

next, on “ Choose which media to use ” page, blue-ribbon ISO file and then click the adjacent button. You will be prompted to choose a directory to save the ISO charge. That ‘s it ! Download ISO Windows 10 Creators Update note : The ISO picture will come with both Home and Pro editions of Windows 10. As of this write, Microsoft has released a number of accumulative updates for Windows 10 Creators Update RTM Build 15063. KB4016251 – Windows 10 Build 15063.13 The change log for Windows 10 Build 15063.13 looks as follows :

  • Fixed issue where printer connections from clients running older versions of Windows (V3-XPS-based-drivers) failed to connect to clients running the Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • Addressed a problem where on some devices like the Surface Pro 3, the Windows audio device graph isolation would max out CPU utilization due to being stuck in an endless loop due to defective Realtek APOs.

KB4016252 – Windows 10 Build 15063.14 Its exchange log is as follows :

  • Fixed issue where printer connections from clients running older versions of Windows (V3-XPS-based-drivers) failed to connect to clients running the Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • Addressed a problem where on some devices like the Surface Pro 3, the Windows audio device graph isolation would max out CPU utilization due to being stuck in an endless loop due to defective Realtek APOs.
  • Fixed an issue where the non-suspendable processes would automatically suspend after waking a device.

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generator : Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer from Russia who started Winaero second in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. View all posts by Sergey Tkachenko

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