Dell Inspiron 11 3000 Review: The Too Pricey, Too Compromised 2-in-1

Windows 10 device makers must think there is market gold in taking underpowered Windows 10 laptops, adding a touch screen along with a pad mood, and pushing them as 2-in-1s. They ’ re all doing it, including HP, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, and Dell .
And that ’ s where we turn for the latest iteration of the drift, to Dell and its Inspiron 11 3000, an Intel-powered 2-in-1 featuring a 360-degree display hinge and 64-bit Windows 10 Home edition .

Dell sells at least four different configurations of the Inspiron 11 3000, with one of three Intel Celeron or Pentium processors, 2GB or 4GB of RAM, and assorted memory capacities. For the sake of this inspection, we tested the more knock-down of the two center machines, and it has an Intel Pentium 3540, 4GB of RAM, and a 500GB heavily driveway.

Build & Design

If you ’ ve seen one, you ’ ve seen them all. Dell does small here to differentiate the Inspiron 11 3000 from the pack, turning to the 360-degree display hinge Lenovo popularized with its Yoga credit line .

even from a glance it ’ mho obvious that this is an all-plastic car, featuring a generic silver build with black keys and display bezel. Overall, it has estimable libra as a laptop ( an advantage the hinged 2-in-1s have over the detachable diverseness, which are top heavy ), and the two display hinges feel hearty, offering equitable the proper come of resistor for comfortable transitions between modes .
Tablet mode is obviously secondary, and this device doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate function well that way. It ’ s besides bulky and the display bezel excessively blockheaded. But the 360-degree hinge enables other modes, like keyboard face down with the display propped up ( there are rubber eraser bumpers on the keyboard specifically for this ), which is great for lean-back media consumption .
The bottom is glossy with four rubber bumpers, and all the pieces fit together well. Too bad the Inspiron 11 3000 is flimsy. The chassis has way excessively much give all around, and the display hat is specially unaccented. It feels like it could be snapped in half with a tone down amount of power .
obviously, Dell is going for portability and light here ( if not looking to keep the price down ). And to that end the Inspiron 11 3000 weighs 3.07 pounds, and measures 11.81 ten 7.9 x .76 inches ( wdh ) .

Display & Speakers

The Dell Inspiron 11 3000 has an 11.6-inch touch screen IPS display with a 1366 ten 768 resolution, which results in 135 pixels per column inch. That ’ second first gear compared to early arrant tablets in this price class, which routinely have 200+ pixels per column inch, but in line with other 2-in-1s. It ’ south pixel dense enough that users won ’ thyroxine detect any issue, but the deviation is detectable when the Dell Inspiron 11 3000 is placed adjacent to a Surface 3, or other similarly-sized Windows 10 tablet .
overall, the Dell display is olive-drab, and not identical bright when maxed out. limelight presents issues, particularly outdoors, as the display is very glistening. Viewing angles are potentially wide, but the display is excessively reflective for extreme angles. It picks up fingerprints, though we ’ ve seen bad on other devices.

DellInspiron1130005 The touch screen is accurate and responsive adequate, but it ’ s silent not great. We ’ ve found this to be the case on other Windows 10 devices in this classify, and it ’ s likely more of a software emergence than hardware. In fact, Microsoft released a major Win 10 update during our revue period that better things a bite. The Dell Inspiron is calm not a responsive as iPads or Android tablets, or even older Windows 8.1 tablets .
The Dell Inspiron 11 3000 has two speakers located on the parcel of the side edges, merely ahead of the ports, but behind the baron button and book rocker. Given that the 360-hinge enables assorted modes, front-facing speakers on the display would be preferable. As it stands, these speakers will never push sound immediately at the exploiter. And that might not be a bad thing, given they emit identical hollow and bum sound recording. We rarely have good things to say about laptop speakers, but these are particularly bad. At least they are brassy enough for personal use .

Ports & Connectivity

With three full-sized USB inputs, we ’ ll try not to complain besides hard about the port choice, but we think it ’ second time for manufacturers to start including USB Type-C on any thin-and-light or loanblend device .
rather, the Dell Inspiron has a USB 2.0 stimulation on either side, and a single USB 3.0 on the leave. curiously, the USB 3.0 international relations and security network ’ triiodothyronine marked aristocratic, as is park, but alternatively has the belittled “ SuperSpeed ” logo appointment — a minor quibble. other inputs include a full-sized HDMI interface, charging input, and 3.5mm audio input on the leave side, along with a full-sized media batting order proofreader, and security system interlock slot on the correctly. A individual button bulk rocker and might button besides sit on the front veracious corner .
We ’ ll always find some gripe with port selection, and in accession to USB Type-C, we still think any notebook bad adequate for it should include an Ethernet jack. In fact, we ’ five hundred sacrifice a act of portability for the add utility .
All ports are accessible for pill mode, and the Dell Inspiron 11 3000 besides sports an odd forcible Windows key centered on the bottom display bezel, between the two hinges. It ’ mho placement makes it difficult to access, but it doesn ’ t take away from the overall design .
This Windows 10 2-in-1 supports Bluetooth 4.0 and 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, but alone 2.4GHz networks. This is disappoint, as all but budget tablets should support at least 5GHz networks, and 802.11ac Wi-Fi. Most other devices in this class besides support Bluetooth 4.1, but the improvements from 4.0 focus chiefly on wearables communicating data to one another and deal with LTE/Bluetooth hindrance. While there are besides some power-savings benefits, users probably won ’ thyroxine notice any deficiencies in daily use .
The alternating current thing is hood to swallow, and the lack of 5GHz support even tougher. Wireless ac routers are becoming cheaper and more omnipresent by the day, and hindrance with 2.4GHz networks can stymie streaming media.

Keyboard & Touchpad

The Inspiron 11 3000 ’ randomness 80-key QWERTY proves finely for typing thanks to the big, Chiclet-style keys and ample spacing. Key stroke travel is shallow and there ’ south obtrusive bounce around the FGHJ keys in the middle. But things are crisp adequate that it doesn ’ t back the typing have .
Cursor keys, and the typical Windows 10 controls ( display brightness, volume, play/pause ) are all on control panel, doubling up with the serve keys, with the controls the primary choice, as it should be .
The single-piece trackpad is big, and sports a slender texture, but it ’ s not closely arsenic responsive as it needs to be. In fact, it ’ second dirty. Users are better off tapping the display than turning to the cursor .

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