Samsung 870 QVO vs 860 QVO and EVO SSD – Which One To Buy? – ThePCEnthusiast

ThePCEnthusiast is supported by its readers. Some posts may contain consort links. If you purchase products via our connect ( south ), we may earn an affiliate deputation. See our site disclosure here Samsung recently released their latest memory solution, the Samsung 870 QVO SATA SSD series. It ’ s basically an better or enhance interpretation of its 860 QVO harbinger. A fresh accountant and 2nd generation QLC NAND news bulletin is what the newfangled 870 QVO SSD series are made of. But how does this modern force compare against its harbinger, the 860 QVO, and the much older but even popular 860 EVO ? Let ’ s find out below .
samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo and evo sata ssd UPDATE: Check out our Samsung 870 QVO 1TB SSD Review here

Samsung 870 QVO vs 860 QVO and EVO SATA SSD Series

In this comparison, we ’ ll be dividing the comparison into several groups. I ’ ll discus first the accountant, NAND dart character and capacities available in each series. Next, let ’ s talk about the difference in their performance. And ultimately, and possibly the most crucial decide component, is the price.
note that we have however to get our hands on a Samsung 870 QVO SSD at the time of write. sol, most of the data shown hera are from Samsung ’ second specifications sheet. however, we did previously review the QVO and EVO series here. additionally, I was able to read some of the early review of the 870 QVO ; basically, confirming my speculations and expectations.

Controller, NAND Flash and Capacity Differences

The Samsung 870 QVO features a new Samsung MKX restrainer paired with a 4bit MLC V-NAND news bulletin. It ’ mho predecessor, the Samsung 860 QVO, besides uses a 4bit MLC V-NAND flash, but it is using an older MJX control. interim, the 860 EVO besides uses an MJX control, but is paired with a better 3bit MLC NAND flash .
I noticed that Samsung uses the terms “ 4bit MLC ” and “ 3bit MLC ” alternatively of QLC and TLC. possibly they are trying to avoid using the terminus “ QLC ” since many are mindful that the QLC NAND ostentation is the slowest character. TLC or 3bit MLC is above QLC ; then MLC or 2bit on second spot ; and the fastest is SLC or 1bit single-level cell .
Moving on, the Samsung 870 QVO is available in 1TB, 2TB, 4TB and 8TB capacities ; while both the 860 QVO and 860 EVO are available up to 4TB capacities .

Warranty and Endurance

When it comes to warranty, Samsung offers a 3-year limit guarantee for both the 870 QVO and 860 QVO SSD series. meanwhile, the 860 EVO comes with a longer 5-year guarantee period .
The Samsung 860 EVO SSD excels in both guarantee period and entire Bytes Written deoxyadenosine monophosphate well. Having a TLC NAND flash, the 860 EVO has a higher endurance compared to the 870 QVO and 860 QVO. You can see that from the table below .
samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo total bytes written

Samsung 870 QVO vs 860 QVO and EVO Performance

If you are conversant with the different types of SSDs and unlike NAND flash memory, I ’ thousand sure by now you have an estimate which SSD series is faster. Like I mentioned earlier, TLC NAND flash are typically faster than QLC NAND flash. Below are the drives respective consecutive and random read and write speeds .
samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo sequential speedsamsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo 4kb random qd1 samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo 4kb random qd32
however, Samsung has a trick called Intelligent TurboWrite engineering. Thanks to this technology, the Samsung ’ s QLC-based SSD is able to achieve SLC or TLC-level of performance. But for a limited size only, depending on the capacity of the drive ’ s TurboWrite size.

Below is a table display each SSD series ’ sum TurboWrite size and the next graph shows the performance of the force after the TurboWrite allotment has been exhausted. The total TurboWrite is the sum of the SLC buffer ( typically 6GB or less ) and the “ Intelligent ” TurboWrite region ranges from 36GB to 72GB on a 1TB to 4TB SSD capacity .
samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo turbo write size total samsung 870 qvo vs 860 qvo evo sequential write after turbowrite
As you can see from the table above, after the sum TurboWrite allotment has been exhausted, the consecutive spell speed drops. The Samsung 860 EVO doesn ’ metric ton seem to be affected much after the hoard has been exhausted. however, we can see a significant drop on the 870 QVO and 860 QVO ’ s write rush after TurboWrite .
That drop curtain is very meaning, to the detail that after the cache has been exhausted, it about feels like you are copying files to a hard disk drive preferably than an SSD. Yes, that was my know when I transferred my game folder, with a size of about 1TB, to a Samsung 860 EVO QVO SSD .

Pricing and Availability

At the time of write, the Samsung 870 QVO is calm very newly to the market. I can see that retail prices are still equivalent to MSRP ; which is $ 129.99 for the 1TB, $ 249.99 for the 2TB and $ 499.99 for the 4TB. The 870 QVO 8TB comes with an MSRP of $ 899.99, but it will not be available until August .
interim, both the 860 QVO and 860 EVO has been in the marketplace for quite some time nowadays. Prices are already adjusted since their respective series was launched. however, at the time of write, it seems that the 860 QVO is a bit cheaper compared to the 870 QVO, while the 860 EVO are still more expensive than the 870 QVO ( depending on the capacitance ) .
Samsung 870 QVO SSD Series available on here and here
Samsung 860 QVO SSD Series available on here and here
Samsung 860 EVO SSD Series available on here and here

TL; DR – So Which One to Buy?

If you are after for measure ( price/GB ) and not speed, the obvious choice would be the 870 QVO or the 860 QVO. a long as you do not exhaust the allocate TurboWrite capability, you will not experience the significant sink in operation .
however, if you are looking for a symmetry of travel rapidly, operation and dependability, the 860 EVO SSD series would be the obvious option. The 860 EVO has a much stable read/write accelerate, longer endurance rat and longer guarantee period. not to mention, the 860 EVO is available in M.2 phase component as well .
bill : Article primitively published on July 2, 2020

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